𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Even though it took Shinichiro almost half an hour to find her house, he was giving himself credit for it because he was going by memory.

He walked up to her door, hesitating to knock on it and eventually, his knuckles started to softly bang the door. It only took a few seconds for the door to open, he saw her dressed in a long shirt, almost reaching her knees as her legs were bare. She still had a bit of her makeup from work, too tired to take it off.

The door then closed right in his face as he became confused. "Huh?! Y/n? Open up!" he whined, knocking on the door as he placed his ear on the wooden material. He then almost fell because she had opened the door.

"You know Takeomi?" she said, looking right into his eyes, watching them widened as if he's been caught. "Yeah, we've been friends since high school, why?" he said. 'She heard Wakasa?!' he was panicking inside, trying to hide it with a small smile.

"It's nothing." she said, opening the door wider for him to come in. He could see the place was still as it was when he came, too distracted to even notice that she had wrapped her arms around him and laying her head on his back.

"I hope you're not like him Shin." she mumbled. She didn't know why but she could see her vision start to blur, tears brimming the corners of her eyes as she hugged him tighter.

"Of course i'm not, I may not have been in a long relationship but..I definitely know how to treat a woman." he said with a warm smile on his face, her eye's slightly widening before she let out a chuckle, letting go of him then walking in front of Shinichiro and pulling on his collar so she could kiss him.

The action was too fast for Shinichiro to see her tears, he could feel her hands reach up to his neck while his moved down to her waist, pulling her body closer to him. She moved him over to the couch, his back touching the soft surface as she was on top of him.

It was like they recognized each others bodies so well as of they knew each other for years. Her fingers tugged on his shirt, telling him to take it off as he pulled the clothing over his shoulders and threw it on the floor.

Now that she was actually looking at him, she could see his toned abs, he didn't have much muscle but his body was just right. "You were crying?" he said, sitting up as his hand reached up to her face and wiping her tears. "No! I'm just tired." she glared at him, wrapping her arms around his body as she smiled.

She felt her heart start to race, scaring her as she glanced over to the coffee table just a few feet away from them, her eyes set on the pieces of paper that was laid out.

"Then uh..how about..we um cuddle?" he suggested, looking away from her as she felt her cheeks heat up. "Cuddle?" she repeated, meeting his eyes as he nodded. "Mhm, i'll hold you and you can go to sleep."

"Um..how do you do that..?" she whispered, looking everywhere but his eyes as his jaw dropped. "Yo-You never cuddled before?!"

"Well i'm surprised you have! I'm still shock you were able to sleep with me!" she said, crossing her arms as she glared at him. "That's just mean and I have! A few times..but you never cuddled before?! Not even with..him?" Shinichiro said, refusing to say his name as she shook her head.

"It was more of a "hot" relationship than a "cute" one if that makes sense.." she said, tilting her head down as his phone ringed, he reached into his pockets, seeing that Wakasa was calling him. "Are you going to answer?"

"Hm? No, it's probably just him asking me to come over." he said but Wakasa kept calling him, Y/n looked at him with a look as he sighed. "I'll give you space if you'd like—" she said as they heard a knock on the door.

"You can answer the phone and i'll get the door." she said as he nodded, she then got up, going towards the door while he looked back down at his phone and seeing that Wakasa has sent him a voicemail.

"Shinichiro, Shinichiro, answer now. Look Takeomi got drunk way too fast and he started rambling on and on and on and then he left the fucking club! We can't find him anywhere, if you know where he is, call us and bring him back to his place. Okay, bye."

Shinichiro looked down at his phone before he heard the door slam, glancing up to see Takeomi holding on to Y/n as she tried to push him off. "Get off! What the hell are you doing here?!" she yelled at him, finally being able to get him off.

She noticed his state, he was drunk, her heart started to race as tears were forming in her eyes. "I miss you Y/n.." he mumbled. "You don't miss me now can you just leave?" Shinichiro could hear the voice cracks as she spoke. He quickly went to call back Wakasa, putting the phone down on the table before going over to Takeomi.

"Hm? Shinichiro..what are you—" Shinichiro then punched Takeomi on the side of his face, surprising Y/n. "Takeomi? What the hell are you doing?" Shinichiro said, his eyes meeting Takeomi's. "Why are you..even here Shinichiro?"

Y/n and Shinichiro both froze at the question. When Shinichiro found out about Y/n and Takeomi, he planned to never tell his friends about what was going on between them but now that he saw how Takeomi and her acted towards each other, he only had one thing in mind.

"Y/n's my girlfriend, Takeomi."


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