𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Is there anything we can help you with today L/n? You said you were having surgery in two days and we don't want to stress you out!"

She looked at her boss who was fixing her tie in the mirror. "No, everything's fine and you're not stressing me out! None of you are! Trust me." Y/n grinned, her eyes watching her colleague nod her head. "Okay! Just tell me if you need anything." she then closed Y/n's office door, leaving her alone.

Y/n dropped down onto her chair, her hands on her face as she let out a sigh. She was anxious, her heart was beating fast against her chest while her fingers shook. The ringing of the phone spoked her a bit, causing her to jump up from the noise before calming down and answering the call.

"Hello?" she said, placing the work phone between her ear and shoulder as she grabbed the water bottle that was set on her desk. "Y/n!" she recognized the voice. "Hi Emma, is your brother with you?" she asked, her nerves starting to sooth away. "Which one? Mikey or Shin?"


"No he's at work right now! But let's not talk about guys! Mikey was boring me out to death about him and his "cool" friends!" Emma said, hearing Y/n laugh from the other line. "Okay okay, so what were you calling me for?"

"Well I was thinking if next weekend we could go uhm shopping and do girl stuff! Since I was the only girl in my family I never got to do that and girls at my school are scared of me because of stupid Mikey and his reflexes!" Emma had a small pout on her face as she laid on her bed.

"Really? Me neither. I think that would be nice! Just the two of us and no guys allowed!" Y/n laughed, hearing Emma laugh along with her. "Yeah but I have a feeling the guys might tag along just to bother us."

"I'll make sure they won't."

"Good! Okay, i'll see you Saturday Y/n!"

"See you Saturday Emma."


"Are you heading home early? The lights were off in your office Miss L/n."

"Yeah, I think I should've listened to when you said to get some help, but yes, i'm heading home early. I've been feeling more tired and I don't want to make a mistake while working." Y/n said. "Okay, that's fine! We got it from here! Just drive home safely!"

"Thank you, i'll see you tomorrow!" Y/n then started to walk down to the elevator and waiting patiently to get inside as the bell rung, signifying it was on her level. She then stepped in, the sound of her heels clicking on the floor echoed in the small space.

She could hear her phone vibrating in her purse but she decided to just wait until she got into the car to answer it. Once the elevator reached the lobby, she stepped out and walked right out into the parking lot and to her car. Y/n could hear it vibrate even more so she took her phone out and answered it before looking to see who it was.


"Y/n! I've been trying to call you all day!"

"Takeomi..I was at work." she said, keeping a blank expression as she unlocked her car, going inside before locking it and setting her purse onto the passenger seat. "Sorry, but you didn't tell me your surgery was moved until the next two days."

"I did. I told you yesterday right after I came out of the doctors." she said, rolling her eyes, setting her phone down then turning on her car and picking her phone back up. "You did? I could've sworn you didn't."

"No I did. Sorry, give me a second, my dad's calling." she made up an excuse to hang up the call, and before he could say anything else she hung up. 'You can make up a ton of lies for cheating yet you can't even make up a simple one..' she sighed.

Her phone rang again, she grabbed it without checking who it was again. "Takeomi, i'm not going to tell you again—" she was interrupted by a different voice. "Takeomi called you?"

"Shin? Oh yeah..just now."

"Oh okay..I was just calling to see how you were doing, that's all. Are you okay? Have you ate lunch yet?" she could hear the small bit of worry in his voice. "No not yet, and yes i'm okay. I'm just heading home early, I feel too tired so i'm just going to get some rest."

"Oh that's good! Eat something first okay? I'll call you again after work, bye Y/n!"

"Bye Shinichiro!"


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