𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I left my keys.."

Shinichiro had her legs up on his shoulders, her fingers pulling his hair and his tongue swirling deep inside her. His hands were squeezing her thighs as his nose was edging her clit. Her head was deep into her pillow, her empty hand holding onto the bedsheets while her panting filled the room, mixing in with his groans.

"You don't want to be too loud right? You have neighbors just behind that wall.." he said, lifting his head up as she met his eyes while he licked his lips, a smile on his face. "Don't say anything else!" she interrupted before he could say anything else.

"You talk and talk and never shut up.." she said, his smile fading, his guard coming down as she sat up and harshly switching positions. "Wait, wait—" Shinichiro's eyes widened, the sudden change of tone made him freeze. She was straddling him down, her arms stretched out and holding his hands.

"Are you going to stop talking?" she said, kissing his jawline, moving down to his neck as his breath hitched. "Shin, I asked you a question. Now answer." she pulled his ear. "Ye-Yeah!" he was still shocked, stuttering out his words as she let out a small laugh.

"Good. Now, you're going to do everything I say, okay?"

"Wait what?! I thought—" he was cut off by her slapping him on the cheek. 'Why is she so rough?!' he thought, glancing at her as she stared into his eyes. "Close your eyes." she whispered, planting a kiss on his lips while his eyelids closed.

He felt her get off him, her footsteps echoing in the room before she came back, grabbing both of his hands and wrapping her tie around his wrist. "Again?!" he cried out. He absolutely did not like having his hands tied, all he wanted was to touch her until she was crying out his name but..she switched positions and now she's on top of him!

'I'll get her back!'

'It's so cute when he tries.'

Her hand wrapped around his cock before feeling it inside her, her mouth open a bit while she threw her head back. Y/n had leaned down, kissing his neck and her hips moving in a slow circular motion.

"Don't close your mouth, I want to hear all of your slutty moans." she whispered in his ear, her hand moving down to his chest, tracing a small heart on the left side, right over his heart as his eyes widened even more.

"More..degrade me more."

"What? So you can cum just by me saying a couple words to you?" she breathed out, rocking her hips faster as his cock twitched. He heard a quiet moan come out from behind her lips. "Can you slap me again—" he was cut off by hearing a knock on the front door.

"I'm going to move to the farthest part of the world once this is all done! Why are people interrupting us? I barely even started.." she mumbled, pushing herself off him, throwing a towel onto him before getting his shirt and placing it on her shoulders as it reached just above her knees.

"Choose a color." she said before leaving the room and closing the door. "Choose a color..? The hell?" he repeated her words.

She washed her hands before opening the door, taking a deep breath as she saw who it was. "Why are you back? Did you leave something?" she asked, her head out the door. "Yeah my keys..I think I left them in the bathroom."

"I'll get them for you—"

"No it's fine—"

"I'll get them for you. Just stay here Takeomi." she said in a stern tone, her eyes sharp as he heard the sound of the door closing. She rushed back to her room, opening the door and speaking. "Did you pick a color?"


"Good choice." she said, closing the door and leaving him confused once again. He sat alone, trying to figure out what she meant. His arms were starting to hurt, they were up above his head, too scared to pull them down. His eyes moved over to her closet, it was slightly opened and he saw something just peeking out.

"Wait?! Is she—" as he spoke, the door opened to Y/n coming back inside. She had a bowl of strawberries along with whipped cream. "These are for me to eat after we're done but if you want to eat these off me, go ahead. The only thing is that..your stupid self is tied up!" she laughed.

"Oh..who was that at the door?"

"Not even worth mentioning." she said, getting on the bed, taking the piece of fruit between her fingers and placing it on her lips. "Also what was the color thing for?"

"Lingerie, why?" she sat on top of him, her hand pressed down on the mattress as she leaned down, finishing the strawberry, putting the leaves inside the bowl. "Oh I thought it was something else.."

"Hm? Oh! Only if you wanted to, i'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

i feel like killing someone
off, im going through a list rn btw


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