𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Y/n? What are you calling for?"

"When you got that letter from the doctor..how long ago was it?"

"A month.." she heard him say, her eyes widening as she balled her hand into a fist before calming down and freeing her fingers. "Is that what you were calling me for—"

"Sort of..but.." she started to say, not wanting to say the next few words that were going to come out of her mouth.

She looked down at the papers set on the coffee table, reading the prices for her hospital bills. Even though she was the manager for the law firm, the amount of money she was making wasn't even enough to pay her hospital bills and the only person she knew who had enough was Takeomi.

Her insurance didn't even cover most of them so she had no choice but to call him. She knew him well, he wouldn't just give her money to pay her hospital bills even if her life depended on it. And she hated him for it, not a sign of sympathy was shown until after the divorce.

So this was a part of her payback, to use him for his money.

"We should get back together!"


She had woken up to an empty room, or so she thought, she felt someone holding her hand, looking over beside her and seeing Shinichiro sleeping, his fingers interlocked with hers.

She figured that he already had found out by now but she wondered why he was even by her side. She squeezed his hand tight, pulling her knees up to her chest and watching the strands of hair fall on his face.

He woke up by the sudden movement, his eyes opening as he met hers. They stared at each other for a while before he brought her into a hug. It was silent for the first few minutes, she felt him rub her back, attempting to comfort her in any way.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he mumbled into her shoulder. "I can help you get better Y/n! I can even start being healthy with you..I mean..I really need to stop smoking—" he started to say until he was interrupted by her crying.

He was too sweet, too kind for her but that's what she loved about him. She didn't want to leave him because she was already so attached to him, more than she even wanted. She cared for him so much that her heart longed for him.

She loved the goodnight and good morning text he would send her each day, she loved the cute-cringey gifs he would send her while she's at work, she loved the way he smiled at her, it was so heart warming.

Overall, she loved everything about him.

"Have you heard..everything?" she asked him, feeling him tense up just for a bit. "Yeah, Wakasa explained it to me when I came. Takeomi wasn't even here." he said, holding her a bit tighter.

"Do you want to know the reason I got "back" with him?" he pulled away from her, watching her wipe her eyes as he nodded. And so, she told him, she didn't have enough money to pay her own hospital bills, which was embarrassing to say out loud

She told him that Takeomi was the only option because he was the one who had so much money. Once Shinichiro realized that she was only using Takeomi for money, he congratulated her, saying that she should empty his pockets and buy what she wanted.

She was a bit surprised at his reaction, after she explained to him everything, the two were planning out how to secretly take money from Takeomi and use it for their own good.

Though before that, Shinichiro apologized for making assumptions, he had a feeling she was doing it for something else because he knew Y/n wouldn't go back to Takeomi that easily. She also apologized, she told him that she didn't want him to know because she was too scared as to what he was going to say.

She was scared that he was going to be like Takeomi and just ignore the situation.

After a bit of talking, Shinichiro decided to go downstairs and get something so she could eat since it was the next day. While he was finding something to eat, she had taken off the ring. She didn't know how long she was going to pretend to be in a relationship with Takeomi, she just hoped that it wouldn't go too far.

Yet, the same thing was only going to happen. Even though Takeomi didn't know she was using him, it wouldn't be too long until he went back to his old habits. Shinichiro spotted him just outside the hospital building, a few feet away from the doors kissing another woman.

'At least pretend like you actually care for Y/n..' Shinichiro thought, rolling his eyes at the man before going to get the food. Meanwhile, Y/n's doctors had came into her room, asking if she was okay and how she was doing.

"Your hearts condition has been..getting worse. Have you been smoking lately?" she asked Y/n as she thought back to the many times she wasn't careful enough to even care. "Yes."

"Has your chest area been hurting more than usual? More shortness of breath as of lately?"

"Yes, usually when i'm stressed or at random times." Y/n answered, watching her doctor nod. "We were looking at the scans and it seems as if your heart has enlarged, the left ventricle inside has grew bigger than what a healthy heart should normally have."

"There is a possibility of doing a heart transplant within the end of the month, L/n."

shes not gonna die lol

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