𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She noticed he was getting quiet while she was still eating her strawberries. "Say ah." she said, holding the fruit on her fingers as he opened his mouth just a bit, his teeth sinking into the red fruit while he averted his gaze to the shirt that she had on, slipping off her shoulders.

Then looking to her closet that was slightly open, she caught him looking as he finished biting the strawberry. Her eyes watching the juice dripping off his lips, leaning closer as she licked it off while Shinichiro's cheeks were a burning red.

"You're looking in my closet, do you wanna know what's in there?" she chuckled, using her finger to clean the corners of her mouth. "I guess." he mumbled, tilting his head to the side as she got up and opened her closet door even wider as he saw a small cardboard box in the corner.

His eyes then catching something f/c, wondering what it was as she picked it up and hid it behind her back before walking back to Shinichiro. "Do you want to try something new?" she asked, he noticed the nervousness in her voice. "Oh like what?"

His eyes moved to her side, catching what she was holding onto as his jaw dropped. "I never tried that before.." he mumbled, gulping as an image came over his mind. Her sweet degrading words in his ears, making him feel good only caused him to get hornier.

"We don't have to—"

"No, I don't mind trying it." he said, letting out a deep breath as his heart pounded rapidly against his chest. "Ready?" she brought the dildo out, it wasn't too big but it wasn't small so his jaw dropped. "We won't tell anyone about this..right?"

"Why not? Is Shin too scared to see his friends find out he's just a submissive brat?" she hummed, placing her hands on his thighs as the blush on his cheeks grew. Shinichiro felt one of her hands hold his face tight by his chin and harshly pulling him into a kiss.

He was distracted, not too distracted to notice that she edging him, she had the dildo just at the tip, in him and he was already squirming from the unfamiliar feeling. "Are you..going to put the whole thing..yet?" he groaned against her lips.

"Don't question me." she whispered, kissing his jawline and thrusting it deeper, hearing him start to whine. Y/n heard his breathing get heavier and heavier, the lewd expression on his face was more than just enough for her. Though, she did faster, deeper strokes while sucking the skin on his neck, causing it to swell and turn purple.

She looked down his chest, to his cock as she saw the precum almost rolling down. "Cum and i'll make sure you'll be crying Shinichiro."'she whispered in his ear, he caught the harsh tone in her voice but he didn't care. The pleasure was building up from throughout his body.

He'd wish to obey her but to find out how he'll he crying was worth it. "I..can't..!" he choked on his words as she went faster while his body shuddered from the feeling. "Mgh, fuck..fuck.." he moaned out, small tears brimming the corners of his eyes.

"I'll let you cum if you say the words." she had a small smirk on her face, the dildo going slower yet hitting the right spots. "The words—? shit.." he hissed, he was so close to releasing but finding the words to say? He didn't even know what to say except to let out those sloppy moans.

"Please..come on!" Shinichiro cried out, trying his best hold it in as she hummed. "Almost there." she said, running her cold finger down his chest before swirling it around the tip of his cock, causing him to moan. "You're too easy to break..whore." she said, watching him roll his eyes back.

"Please.." he started to say, gulping before finishing his sentence. "Mommy.." he moaned out, feeling her thrust the dildo in deeper. "Good boy." she caressed his cheek as the pleasure went throughout his body, his cum spilling around his cock. "Oh my— say that again.." Shinichiro said in a desperate tone.

"No." she tugged on his hair as he let out a grunt, looking up at her with a faint smirk on his lips. She leaned down, sucking off his cum off his cock and keeping eye contact with him.

"If you keep looking at me like that Y/n..I might just cum again."


"Shinichiro are you okay..?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Wakasa raised an eyebrow, glancing at his friend before walking towards him. "Are you sure—" Wakasa was interrupted. "She's crazy man! She had me like.." he said before closing his mouth as Wakasa laughed at him. "She's ruining my ego and I don't even care!" Shinichiro cried out, his hands on his face while Wakasa patted his shoulder.

"Hm, i'm surprised she even likes you. I never expected you guys to ever get together!" Wakasa ruffled Shinichiro's hair. "What's that supposed to mean?!" he glared at his older friend. "Meaning you two are the opposite! She's a serious business woman and you're..you."

"Again! What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Forget it, just don't get caught by Takeomi." he sighed as the shop door opened, both of their eyes averting to Takeomi who had just walk in. "Speaking of him.." Wakasa mumbled. "Takeomi! How's Y/n? I heard it was her doctor's appointment today, did you go?" Wakasa walked over to him. "It was? I didn't know!" Takeomi lightly chuckled. "I'll ask about it later."

"You make me want to punch your face.." Wakasa grumbled, turning away before grabbing his jacket that was set on one of the motorcycles. "I'll see you tomorrow Shin, bye Takeomi."

"Bye." the two said. Shinichiro quickly got up from his chair and started walking to his office but stopped once Takeomi spoke. "Shinichiro can I ask you something?"


"Sure what is it?"

"Well uh how did Y/n break it down to you? When she told you that she still loves me?" Shinichiro almost bursted out laughing but kept his blank expression. 'Does he really think she'd go back to him?! And love him?!'

"Oh that!" Shinichiro laughed. "I mean she was pretty nice about it! She was crying a bit because she said that I was sooo kind to her and that she didn't want to leave me!" Shinichiro glanced back at where Takeomi was only to see that he wasn't there.

"Takeomi? I was joking—" Shinichiro felt his collar being grabbed, soon close to Takeomi's angered expression on his face. "Leave her alone Shinichiro, she doesn't want you. And whatever you're doing, isn't working. She's for me and me only." Takeomi said then throwing Shinichiro back and walking back out of the shop as Shinichiro let out a small laugh.

"He's really delusional..like really fucking delusional."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

there are only a few more chapters until
this book ends
and i think this will be the last time
im writing smut for this book😦


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