𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?"

"Oh uhm..sure.." she mumbled, opening the door a bit wider so he could come in. She watched him head straight to the bathroom before closing the door and immediately walking towards her room.

"Is he gone—" he said before she covered his mouth with her hand, her hand on his arm as she accidentally used too much force, causing him to fall over onto the bed. "He's in the bathroom, so hide!"

"What?! Why is he in your bathroom?!" Shinichiro loudly whispered, watching her run back to the door, checking if Takeomi was out before going back to Shinichiro. "Look, just shut up before I make you! If he catches you here, it's not going to be good!"

"You're going to make me shut up?"

"Is that all you got?!"

"I can talk louder." he said, raising his voice just a bit as she covered his mouth again, glaring right at him as a smirked played on his lips. "I said shut up." she said, pinching his cheeks as he whined.

"Make me, please?" he muttered, his finger on the bottom of her chin as her eyes widened just a bit. "Only if.." she started to say, her hands cupping his cheeks. "You be quiet and hide like I told you to!" she pulled his ear, earning a whine from him.

"Okay, okay!" he said as she got off of him, walking back to the door, opening it and walking into the hallway as she saw him just getting out the bathroom.

"I'll walk you out." she said, guiding the way for him as he looked around her apartment, his eyes set on the kitchen before staring at the back of her head. "Did you have anyone over?"

"Only Mom, she came yesterday." Y/n quickly said, opening the door for him as he stepped out of her apartment. "Oh okay, well, I'll see you later. Bye." he said, backing away from her door as she closed it. She let out a relieved sigh, walking back to her room. opening the door as she didn't see Shinichiro.

"He's gone."

"He is?!"

"Yes now don't act too surprised, he was only here for about a minute." she said, hearing Shinichiro get out of her closet as she sat on the edge of her bed. "Do you want to do something?" she asked, watching his jaw drop just a big.

"Yeah, I mean..we are in your room..? What else are we going to do?" he said. "Sleep." she said, shrugging her shoulders as he had a disappointed look on his face. "Kidding." she chuckled.

He laid himself next to her, feeling her move on top of him as she placed her hands on the side of his neck. The two rushed in for a kiss, finding themselves having their hands roaming each other's bodies.

Once again, she tasted the tobacco off his lips, opening her mouth just slightly as she let her tongue slide against his lips, he let her tongue glide around his, deepening the kiss while his hands were placed on her waist.

She then pulled away, moving back as she placed kisses on his neck down to his collarbone. "Wait I thought—" he started to say until she slapped him. "Shut up and do what I say. Okay?"

"Ye-Yes ok-okay."

She rolled her eyes, taking off his shirt before sucking on his skin, one hand on the side of his ribs while the other was on the crotch of his pants, feeling the bulge that was growing by the second.

"How about we just hurry this up—"

"I said to shut up didn't I? Damn slut, do you want to get punished like a bad boy, Shin?" she cooed, running her finger against his chest, down to the tip of his pants. She pulled down the zipper as he helped her take off his pants along, leaving him with his boxers.

"Oh come on! Touch me already!"

"You're impatient, i'm going to let you wait just a bit more." she said, getting off of him as she walked over to her drawer, getting two pairs of her ties as his eyes widened. "Aw come on Y/n!" he cried out, feeling her hands around his wrist as she placed the tie, connecting both of them to the headboard.

She then sat on his lap, taking off her shirt and leaving her nude as she started to his neck, her tongue swirling around, making hickeys on his soft skin. She had her hands on his inner thighs, squeezing them gently as they inched towards his cock before she moved them away and resting them on his chest.

"How bad do you want me?"

"Like really bad."

She laughed a bit at his response, kissing his jawline before moving back down to his neck then to his collarbones. He felt her hand reached down to his boxers, her thumb playing with the tip of his cock.

"Can't you just imagine? Me sucking you off, your cum on my lips? That's what you're thinking right? The way i'm going to ride your face and how i'm going to cum on your lips." she squeezed her thighs at the image in her head, imagining Shinichiro with her cum was making her even more horny.

"Fuck, stop teasing me and just do it already!" he groaned, licking his lips as he started to feel her hand start to pump his cock in a slow pace. "Go faster.." he gritted his teeth, she pulled his boxers fully down, hovering her mouth over his cock before sucking on his tip.

"Shit..more, give me more."

Her saliva coated the top of his cock, tasting his pre cum as she lowered her head even more, bopping her head at a faster pace while the lewd noises filled the room.

"Fuck you're doing so good." he moaned out, his eyelids closed as his breathing fastened the moment she went faster. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..!"

"I think i'm going to cum— shit Y/n. You're so fucking good Y/n." he said, moaning her name. She swirled her tongue around his cock, slurping on it. "I'm going to cum." he said, feeling the pleasure build up as his hips jerked and his cum shot right onto her tongue.

"My turn Shin."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

i was going to put shin and her
having sex WHILE takeomi was there,
but yk, gotta save that for next time


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