𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She was walking to his bike shop, she was now off work and she decided to visit him. She opened the front door, the bell signifying that someone came in as she heard footsteps come out.

"Hi, how can— Y/n!" Shinichiro started to say, seeing that she was the one who walked in. He immediately brought her into a hug, surprising her but she then wrapped her arms around him, hugging Shinichiro back before smiling.

"Did you just come off work?" he asked her, gently taking her coat of her shoulders before placing it on his arm. "Mhm." she hummed, leaning closer to him as she kissed her cheek, he then became flustered.

"Well why didn't you call me? I didn't mind walking you over here!" Shinichiro said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she chuckled. "But you're working aren't you?" she asked him.

"Not many costumers come during the day, they usually come an hour before closing which is soooo annoying!" Shinichiro said, taking her hand and walking her towards the sets of chairs that were set out and having her sit down as he sat in front of her.

As the two were talking, three of his friends were standing behind the wall, one was simply just interested in the conversation, the second wanted to laugh because of how jealous his other friend seemed and the third was jealous.

'She even visits him after work?! Why didn't she do that with me?' Takeomi thought, wondering to himself why as he tried to recall back to the past years him and Y/n were together.

Wakasa and Benkei could see the jealousy just pouring out of Takeomi, it was like he wasn't he trying to hide it.

"Afterwork..do you want to head back to my place?" Shinichiro asked her, watching her nod her head before her hand reached up to cup the sides of hid face, bringing him into a kiss, her hands shifting towards the back of his neck. She knew Takeomi was watching, she could see the tip of his shoes poking out from behind the wall.

She wasn't using Shinichiro to make Takeomi jealous, no that was just a plus. In fact, she actually really liked Shinichiro, in a way that made her heart race more than usual.

Wakasa and Benkei's jaw dropped, very confused how Shinichiro could get a girl, or even kiss one. He did mention to the two that he had slept with other women but they never believed him, only thinking the girls eyesight was just bad.

"Can we go to my place now?" Shinichiro said as she deadpanned at his anxiousness. 'I thought he still lived with his younger siblings?!' his three friends thought but for the past two months, Shinichiro's been going a different way home instead of his regular route.

"No, you still have work—" she started to say until he stood up and walked towards the front door, turning the open side to closed as he locked the door. "What do you mean? No I don't." he said, acting like nothing happened as she laughed.

"You're too cute." she said, standing up as he took her hand, going towards the back door and turning off the lights before locking the door. Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi heard Shinichiro's bike turn on and soon drive off into the distance.

"We were really just left here?!" Benkei said, in shock that Shinichiro had just forgotten about his friends but he didn't. Shinichiro was simply just too "excited" to see Y/n.

"I feel so jealous.." Takeomi mumbled under his breath while Wakasa laughed at him. "Good. It's what you get." Wakasa patted his friend's shoulder while Takeomi sighed.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that he locked us in here?"


His place wasn't really far away, about ten minutes from his shop, once the two were inside, he immediately took her to his room, turning off the lights as the sunset's orange hue peeked through the curtains. He immediately pushed her down onto his bed, getting on top of her as her skirt that she was wearing slightly rose up.

His hands reached over to her tie, loosing it before taking it off her neck and setting aside. She then started to undress, him doing the same as they both were impatient, once they were done, he then took the tie into his hands and grabbed her wrists, tying the tie around it.

"What? Are you going to blindfold me next?" she was obviously joking until he saw him take out the blindfold. "Oh." she said, watching him chuckle before gently wrapping the fold around her head and over her eyes so she wouldn't see.

"I like this side of you—" she was then interrupted as he had flipped her over, he held her hands behind her back, her head harshly being shoved into the pillow, laying the side of her face down. She was a bit shocked to say the least, her hands were tied by HER tie and was blindfolded.

"Hey Shin, while you're at it—" she started to say until she felt a slap on her ass cheek, her jaw dropping as she let out a whine. "That fucking hurt!" she raised her voice at him.

"Good, now can you shut up?"


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