𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Wakasa and Benkei both looked at Shinichiro as he tried to hide his face, it's been a few days since the incident. Takeomi passed out right after Shinichiro had said that and Y/n..she kicked them out, saying it was too much to handle at the moment.

Shinichiro took Takeomi back to his place and in the morning, Takeomi never said anything about it, claiming to not remember anything from the night before which saved Shinichiro's life.

Now Shinichiro was with Wakasa and Benkei while Takeomi was at work. "You're so stupid! Imagine Takeomi actually remembered that! What would you say?!"

"I would say that it's his fault and that she's my girlfriend and i'm planning to marry her." Shinichiro looked at the two, meaning every word he said.

"In his face?!"

"Yes. It was his fault." Shinichiro said, laying his head on the table and sighing. "We've only seen each other for about two days and..she already means so much to me. Today's Saturday, she said she had something to show me but with what happened a few days ago..I don't know if she's even up for it."

Wakasa and Benkei could see the frown on their friend's face. His expression was more than just sad, it was like he actually felt like he knew her for so long. "Call her." Benkei said, watching Shinichiro raise his head up.

"Call her?"

"What type of person is she?" Benkei and Wakasa already knew the answer but they just wanted to know who she was in front of Shinichiro. "Well, she's teasing? She's..well she's Y/n.." he mumbled, hitting his forehead onto the table as he sighed.

"I'll be back." Shinichiro lazily stood up from the chair and headed outside, grabbing his phone, calling her number and patiently waiting for her to answer. 'Pick up..pick up..pick up—'


"Y/n! Are you uhm okay?" he anxiously asked her, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. "Yeah? Is there something wrong?" she asked him. "A few days ago..sorry for saying that you were my girlfriend! I was only trying to get Takeomi to leave—"

He stopped talking because he heard her laugh, his nervousness quickly going away as a blush reddened his cheeks. "I'm not mad at you Shin. It was just making my breathing quicken and it's not good for me!" she laughed. "So everything's fine..?"

"Yes everything's fine, i'm sorry about not answering you, i've just been busy with work."

"Oh okay, you also know it's Saturday right? You said you had something to show me.."

"Mhm, after work, in two hours meet me in front of my work building like last time and we'll go from there, i'll talk to you later, byeee Shinichirooo!" he heard her say. "Bye Y/n!" he said before the phone call ended.

'I love it when she says my name!'


He waited outside the tall building, standing a few feet away from the doors as he saw her walk out, she was dressed in a dark blue skirt, her black buttoned down shirt tucked in as her matching tie was loose.

"Y/n!" he waved at her, getting her attention as she looked over to him, a smile forming on her face. "Did you come here in your bike?" she asked him as he shook his head.

"I walked."

"Oh okay, good! That way we can go in my car." she said, grabbing his hand and going towards the back of the building to her car. "Is the place far?" Shinichiro said, watching her nod. "It is, but that's why I chose Saturday. We can just stay at a hotel for the night."

She opened the driver side door while he opened the passenger, both getting inside the car before she turned it on. 'Stay at a..hotel?!' Shinichiro thought, clearing his throat and catching the small smirk she had on her face.

"Do you mind getting your clothes wet?"


The place was unknown to him, she had drove into a parking lot and once they were out the car, she dragged him down the trail leading into a group of trees.

He was a bit confused as to where she was taking him until they had gotten closer and he had heard the sound of water crashing onto rocks. 'A waterfall? She took me here..?' he thought, his eyes looking at the sparkling water then to her.

"Undress Shin, unless you want to go in with your clothes but that's on you." she said, taking off her shoes and socks then her skirt and shirt, leaving her in her bra and underwear. 'She wears red bras to work?!'

He followed after her, taking off his shoes, socks, shirts and pants, and only wearing his underwear before she took his hand and lead him into the water. There wasn't no one around, giving the two as much privacy as they needed.

Once Shinichiro stepped into the water, she had let go of his hand and splashed him, surprising the younger man. "The water's so cold!" he said, shivering as he kept walking into the water while she laughed.

"It's not that bad, especially after work. It's really relaxing." she said, taking his hand and pulling him closer to her before she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Can I ask you something, Shinichi?"

'She gave me another nick name!!' he thought, feeling his heart race. "Sure."

"You're friends with Takeomi right? Did he say anything—"

"I don't think you should worry about him. If anything..you should make him jealous after what he did to you." Shinichiro said, his hands cupping her cheeks as she felt her face heat up. "Jealous?" she said and melting into his touch as he nodded, bringing her face closer to his, their noses touching one another's before their lips met.

"Jealous." Shinichiro mumbled against her lips, giving her another peck. "But how?" she asked him, curious as to what he was going to say next.

"With me Y/n."


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