𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She stretched her arms up, her eyes meeting the ceiling first before rolling over to her side and looking at him who was still sleeping. She brought her arms over to him, wrapping around his bare skin and leaving her head onto his chest.

"Are..you awake..?" he mumbled, his eyes still closed. "Y/n?" he called her name, feeling her nod her head as her hair tickled his skin. "Yeah..i'm awake."

"What do you want to do today?" he started hugging her tight and kissing her cheek. "To stay here, with you." she said as the room started to brighten up by the morning light. "Me too." he let out a sigh. "I'm also hungry." she chuckled. "Do you want me to make you something?" he said as she sat up.

"No, you're going to burn the building if you do." she got off the bed, grabbing her shirt and throwing it over her shoulders as he gasped. "I'm not a bad cook!" he said as she gave him a look. "You almost burnt my kitchen.."

"It was one time! I've watched videos to be a better cooker! I swear! Let me try out one more time please!"

"You worse than a kid..make me pancakes with strawberries.."


"These are actually surprisingly good.."

"I'm going to ignore the "actually surprising" part." he said, making her laugh as he leaned against the island. "But last time you tried making breakfast you burnt it! Do you always burn your food?" she asked, poking her fork into the pancake.

"No! It was just one time..or two! But that was all!"

"Maybe I should call Emma and Mikey to see if that's a lie." she smiled, watching him quickly shake his head. "No! If you do you will never hear the end of it! Like at all! Emma will just go on about she's the better cooker and Mikey will just..well he's Mikey—"

They both looked over to the phone that was ringing, Y/n not recognizing the ringtone as he went over to see who it was. "Oh it's Wakasa." he said, answering the call and going back to Y/n. "Shinichiro are you at the dojo or your place?"

"Mine why—" at the second they heard a knock on his door. "Wait don't tell me you're here?!" he said, standing up and stumbling on his feet as Y/n glanced at him as she ate her pancakes. "Yeah, me and Takeomi and Benkei!"

Shinichiro choked on his spit. "Just give me a second!" he said, ending the call and throwing his phone on the couch before turning to Y/n who was peacefully eating her breakfast. "What happened?" she asked. "Uh so Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi are at the door—"

Y/n almost choke on her food. "Huh?" she whispered, trying not to be heard. "Yeah! So uhm wow..i've never done this before..but hide?!" he said before getting her and his clothes that were on the floor then running to throw them into his room as she gently grabbed her plate and cup of juice before quietly walking into his room.

"Stay quiet right?" she said as he stood in front of the door way, putting on some sweatpants and a random shirt then nodding his head. "Yeah!" he said, making sure he was looking okay until she cupped his cheeks and kissed him before closing the door.

'I'm so lucky..' he told himself, smiling before making sure his apartment was neat and going to open the door. "Why'd you take so long? Got a girl to hide?" Wakasa teased him as he froze. "No! I was just waking up that's why!"

"I can see, fix your bed hair." Benkei said, pointing over to Shinichiro's head as he slouched. 'Why didn't she tell me?!' he thought, looking into the camera of his phone and fixing it. "Oh hi Takeomi.." Shinichiro nervously said, letting out a chuckle before taking a step to the side and gulping.

"Hey Takeomi, you're not mad me right? Not anymore?" he laughed, hiding his nervousness as Wakasa and Benkei both gave the two a look. "No you're fine." Takeomi said, watching Shinichiro give him a thumbs up. "Cool—"

"You made pancakes?" Benkei said, getting a piece as well as Wakasa. "Yeah—"

"I thought you said you just woke up." Wakasa said as Shinichiro groaned. 'Stop interrogating me!' he sat down on the couch. "I did! I just had time before you call to make something to eat!" he quickly said as Wakasa glanced over to Benkei. Benkei's eyes moving towards the pair of familiar heels, walking towards them and discreetly pushing them to the side so that they're hidden and so that Takeomi wouldn't see them.

"Mkay. So about the "party"—"

"What party?" Takeomi suddenly said, making all three of them look over to him as Y/n overheard a bit of it. "You didn't tell him?" Shinichiro said to Wakasa and Benkei as they both were looking at each other. "I thought you did?" they said at the same time.


"Just— it's for Y/n, because her birthday's tomorrow and since she has her surgery tomorrow, we're going to celebrate after!" Shinichiro said with full confidence that she was going to live the day after as Takeomi gave him a look. "Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?" Benkei asked and looking at Takeomi. "I mean are you sure you want to? You're going to plan this all out and you don't even know if the surgery's going to go well." Takeomi said, placing his phone in his pocket as their jaws slightly dropped.

"Of course it is! Y/n can take anything, and I mean anything." Wakasa said, referring to Shinichiro as he rolled his eyes. Y/n stood by the door and listening to what they were saying. 'Does he really think i'm going to die?! I hope he gets hit by a truck damn piece of shit..'


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