𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Takeomi was still shocked, more or less, he was jealous. It was like there was smoke coming out from his ears. The three were still in the shop thirty minutes later, Benkei had fell asleep and Wakasa was just pretending to be Y/n and Shinichiro, only to make Takeomi even more jealous.

"I should just call her." Takeomi said, reaching for his phone but Wakasa stopped him. "Uh..i'm pretty sure they're busy right now so— and you're going to call either way..yeah okay." Wakasa sighed, watching Takeomi placed the phone over his ear and waited for her to answer.

Takeomi waited a bit, almost close to where it would send him to voicemail until she picked up. "Y/n—" he immediately stopped when he heard Shinichiro's voice.

"Sorry Takeomi, she can't come to the phone right now." Shinichiro said into the phone, looking at Y/n who was struggling to keep her legs up, her chest still against the bed as he continued to hold her hands behind her back. Her blindfold was now in her mouth, keeping her from making any loud noises as she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Huh—" Takeomi was interrupted by the sudden "clapping" sounds coming out from the phone. Shinichiro held the phone on one hand and held her wrist with the other, shoving his dick right inside of her as she yelped, starting to whine from the sudden movement.

Shinichiro ended the call, throwing the phone back onto the bed, leaving Takeomi with no words to speak. "Told you so." Wakasa said to him.

Shinichiro spanked her ass, causing her to wince from the pain. "Didn't I say to shut up?" he harshly told her, his hand that was holding her phone was now on her waist, his nails digging into her skin as he was doing slow, rough strokes.

She was biting on the blindfold, attempting to keep quiet. He was watching her struggle, closing her eyes yet, they were rolling back, eventually she tried pushing the blindfold out of her mouth with her tongue but suddenly, he rammed himself inside of her, making her mouth gape open as a loud, muffled moan left her lips.

The headboard started to hit the wall, the creaks of the bed matching the speed he was going at. Shinichiro started to hit her g-spot at the right movements. He heard her say something but the blindfold in her mouth caused it to be muffled, he then leaned over her back, his hand reaching to take the blindfold out.

"What'd you say? Go faster?" he was teasing her and she knew it, she shook her head, her eyes slightly widening at his words. "Slower!" she cried out to him but he didn't listen. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she loudly moaned, earning another spank as he went faster with harsher strokes.

"I said to keep quiet!" he said under his breath, watching her glance back at him with a small smirk on her face. 'She's doing this on purpose?!' he thought as she arched her back just a bit more. She felt the pleasure start to build up and she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Fuck Shinichiro, i'm..about to cum!" she felt herself start to reach her high, her hips jerking as she came on his dick. She fell limp, her legs worn out as her back started to hurt, she thought they were finished, feeling the tie leave her wrist. She laid her back on the bed, now facing Shinichiro as he could see the exhaustion in her face.

She then grabbed his hand, pulling him down to her as their noses met. She chuckled before pestering him with kisses, distracting him as she rolled him over, his back now against the mattress. Her fingers grazed against his cheek before laying her forehead on top of his.

"You tire me out." she said, tugging on his hair as he rolled his eyes, giving her another kiss. "Let's go shower together!" she cheered, getting off him before taking his hand as he guided her to the bathroom.

'It's weird how quickly her mood can change..'

Meanwhile, Takeomi was still in shock about the phone call and Wakasa tried getting him out of his thoughts but nothing would work. It was like he looked in the eyes of Medusa and turned into stone.

"Takeomi? Hello?" Wakasa waved his hand in his face, then snapping his fingers before Takeomi shook his head.

"Do you think she told him?"

thank you for 3k <333

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