𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Who is she?"

"Yeah, and why is she blindfolded?"

"Yeah, why am I blindfolded Shin? You can only do this to me when—" she started to say until she felt a hand go over her mouth. "Don't say that! There's children!" he whispered to her ear as she froze.

"You have kids Shin?!" she took his hand off her mouth and spoke. "Huh?! No! This are my siblings!" he said, taking off the blindfold as Mikey and Emma's eyes widened.

"Are you being paid? You're too pretty to be his girlfriend." Emma said, walking towards Y/n as she took her hands. "Huh?! Is that what you think?! And she's not my girlfriend—"

"Really? I was thinking the same thing." Y/n said, smiling at the younger girl as Shinichiro froze. She glanced back at him, chuckling before Emma took her hand and made her way towards the living room.

"Shin..she's pretty!" Mikey had his eyes wide at his older brother. "How did you..get her?!"

"Okay, can we not ask that question?! Emma! Where did you take her?!" Shinichiro said, looking around the house as he spotted his younger sister with Y/n in the living room and Wii controllers in their hands.

"We're going to play Just Dance 4." Emma plainly said, pressing the start button as Y/n laughed at Emma's behavior towards her older brother. "Yeah Shin, we're going to play Just Dance 4." Y/n playfully stuck her tongue out at him as Shinichiro sighed.

"Come on Mikey..let's go do..whatever boys like to do." Shinichiro said but Mikey refused. "No, go cook for your girlfriend. I bet she's tired just by looking at you." Mikey glared at his older brother as his jaw dropped.

"Mikey's right Shinichiro, you should definitely go cook for your girlfriend." Y/n started to play along, Emma and Mikey nodding. "You guys are so mean—"

"How do you have three stars already?!" Emma said, looking over to Y/n's side of the screen. "That's what everyone says!" Y/n laughed, her heart warming at the small moment. "I'm just really good at this!"

'They basically just stole Y/n away from me?!'


"This is the right house right?"

"It should be..I mean it says Sano right there Takeomi.." Benkei said, Takeomi freezing while Wakasa laughed. "See, his bike is even here too." Benkei added, pointing over to the CB250T bike parked in front of the garage.

The three walked up to the front door, noticing it was left unlocked as they felt shivers go down their spine, scared something was happening as they heard a high pitch scream.

They rushed inside, their eyes wide as they saw Shinichiro and his siblings standing behind Y/n who had a broom in her hand. "Kill the spider!" Mikey said, starting to shake. "It's walking to us!" Emma cried out.

"Y/n, were going to die!" Shinichiro whined, holding onto her black blazer as she rolled her eyes, taking the broom and attempting to kill the spider but instead it jumped on the end and started to make its way up the stick.

Y/n immediately threw the broom at Shinichiro and started to make her way outside with Mikey and Emma following after her.

She didn't see the three men who were standing at the door way and unfortunately, she had bumped into Takeomi a bit too hard, causing him to fall down as she fell on top of him.

Shinichiro screamed, hitting the broom with a pillow before heading outside to where she and his siblings were and closing the door behind him. He let out a relieved sigh, seeing Mikey and Emma hold their hands close to their hearts as if they were just about to die.

Y/n felt herself on something other than the ground, pushing herself up and meeting his eyes. "Uh hi?" Takeomi said before he felt a sharp pain on his cheek. Shinichiro turned around at the random noise, seeing Y/n on top of Takeomi.

"Ow..I didn't think you were here..but can we talk just for a second—" he started to say until she was going to slap him again but he held her hands. "I don't want to talk to you, how many times do I have to say that?" she said, pushing her knee into his chest.

"Do they know each other? Her and Takeomi?" Emma asked Shinichiro. She had only saw him blink before heading down the few steps of stairs and walking towards the two. "Takeomi—" Shinichiro started to say.

"Shinichiro, i'm sorry but this doesn't concern you." Takeomi took the chance to sit up, Y/n moving off him and standing up, her back facing Shinichiro as her eyes were set on the floor. Takeomi then stood up, not wanting to meet Shinichiro's eyes.

"Is it really important?" she asked him, watching him nod as she turned around, giving them a look asking for privacy as Benkei, Wakasa and the siblings all went inside, closing the door before rushing to the windows, making sure they weren't seen.

They saw her immediately slap him, pulling his collar and stepping on his shoe, her heels bruising the top of his foot. He raised his hands up, begging her to stop before she threw him back and rolling her eyes.

They then saw him pull out his phone, soon showing her the screen as she read what he was showing him, her shoulders dropping before she raised her head up to meet his eyes. They saw her mouth moving, trying to hear what they said by putting their ears against the glass window but nothing was heard.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" they heard her say, the crack in her voice going unnoticed. "You told me to stop calling you—"

"Because I don't want to see you again!" she yelled back at him, tears threatening to come out her eyes as her breathing started to get heavier. "It's not very easy to just forget about a relationship that you've been in for ten years Takeomi!"

"But I forgot, you didn't even acknowledge ours when you were with all those women!" she cried out, wiping her eyes before any tears could fall down. "Y/n, stop yelling—!"

"You never really loved me did you?!" she held his shirt tightly, the tears now coming down her cheeks, falling into the ground. "Y/n! I said to stop yelling!" he said as she froze at the sudden raise of his voice.

"Stop changing the subject and start realizing what's going on with yourself!" he said. "You're avoiding it, I know but you can't just hide from it Y/n! You need to go see a d—"

"Stop it. Just stop, there's no point anymore." she let go of him, her hands falling to her sides as she started to walk back to the house. Her hands reached up to her face, wiping whatever tears she had left before stopping as she heard what he had said.

"Have you told him? Shinichiro?"

definitely not gonna promote my chifuyu x fem reader x kazutora book that i published like yesterday 🤨🤨

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