𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"No you can't meet her! Not yet at least!"

"So she's not real?" Benkei said, watching Shinichiro fume as they laughed at him. "She is! I swear!" he tried to convince his friends but they only took it as a joke.

That was earlier, now the four were still in his shop and just talking. "Takeomi, Shin found out about Y/n." Wakasa said, changing the topic as he saw Shinichiro's surprised face.

'Wakasa..you traitor!!' Shinichiro gave his friend a betrayal look, glaring at him as Wakasa and Benkei both shrugged their shoulders at their younger friend. "Hm? Y/n? You didn't know?" Takeomi said, gaining Shinichiro's attention.

"Uh no! If I knew..then I would've known!" Shinichiro said as his friends laughed. "But yeah, you guys were married and I didn't even know?!"

"Mhm." Takeomi hummed, holding his drink up towards his lips while Shinichiro ruffled his hair, twirling the ends between his fingers as his other hand held the cigarette.

"How..was it?" Shinichiro asked, curious as to what their relationship was like as he gave Takeomi glances, scared as to what he might say. "Don't ask him that! He's going to start crying!" Benkei said, earning a glare from Takeomi.

"I am not!"

"He shouldn't be crying though. He's the one that messed up." Wakasa said, holding the beer bottle in his hands before taking a sip. "You messed up bad. And you were with her since high school? Maaan, you lost her." Wakasa added, glancing over to Shinichiro who kept quiet as he placed the cigarette between his lips.

"Anyways, the relationship was nice, she was actually..everything I wanted in a girl." Takeomi started to say. "Man, I really messed up." he finished the rest as Shinichiro turned his head to look in the other direction.

"I'll be jealous if I see her with another man."

'Please don't kill me Takeomi!' Shinichiro thought before turning back around. "Why? You cheated and caused you two to break up so why be jealous?" Shinichiro asked his friend, surprising them a bit as Wakasa and Benkei gave him a look.

"It's different when you've been together for so long, and plus, you wouldn't know, you've never been in a relationship." Takeomi joked, laughing as Shinichiro tensed up. "Yeah but at least I wouldn't cheat on my girlfriend." The three could hear the harshness in his voice.

"Look, I was just joking—"

Takeomi started to say until Shinichiro's phone ringed as he reached into his pockets, taking out his phone and reading her contact name. He was a bit surprised from seeing her call, especially since it was already a bit late.

"I'll be right back." Shinichiro said, answering the call as he headed outside. "Hii!" the three could hear the change of tone when he spoke, all giving him an odd look before he closed the door.

"Why are you so cheerful?" Y/n said, placing her purse down on the kitchen counter. "Well because you called." he spoke into the phone, hearing her laugh as his heart started to race.

"Also why'd you call?"

"I can't call you?" she laughed, taking off her shoes before going towards her room. "Yes you can! I don't mind at all!" he chuckled, leaning his back against the concrete wall as a blush appeared on his face. "What are you doing up so late?"

"Hm? Shin's worried about me?" she hummed, a smile on her face as she laid herself on her bed. "I was just asking!" he said, hearing her laugh. "I know, I just came home from my mother's house. It was her birthday today so we celebrated."

"Oh how was it?" he slid down the wall, his knees pressed against his chest, feeling the slight cold breeze move his hair to the side. "It was pretty nice, she begged me to stay over but I have work in the morning."

"Oh okay, can I come see you—" he started to say until the door opened. "Shinichiro, we're going to the club, wanna come?" Wakasa said, looking down at Shinichiro who froze before glancing at the phone. "Are you on the phone with your lady friend or are you just pretending?"

"Wakasa!" Shinichiro cried out as Y/n's eyes slightly widened. "You and Takeomi don't believe me! I told you she's real!" Y/n heard before her heart came to a stop. Shinichiro heard the phone call end, looking back at the phone. "Huh..?"

"So are you coming or not?"

"Uh no, I have somewhere to be.."

i forgot to put the playlist name but i can't paste the link for it, it's "love me please !" on spotify! the user should be "sol ^_−☆" !!

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