𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"A heart transplant?!"

"Yeah, they said once they find someone with a healthy heart then the surgery would be scheduled at the end of the month." she said, watching Shinichiro nod. "Mm alright." he said to her, his eyes roaming around the hospital room.

He saw the blue suede box sitting on the table next to her, he then looked back at her, seeing that she was already staring at him, wondering what he was looking at. His hand then reached over towards the box, holding it in his hands before looking at her again.

"Have you opened it yet?" he asked her, watching her shake her head. "I didn't have the time to, sorry." she said as he placed his fingers on the lid, lifting it up and showing her the jewelry he had bought her.

It was a gold necklace, gold because he thought of her as rich, rich in personality and voice, there were diamonds scattered around in an even pattern, diamonds because he thought of her as someone who should be hard to find because of how beautiful she is.

"And you said if I didn't want it I could throw it away?! Are you crazy?! I would never throw something of yours away!" she suddenly said, not thinking before she spoke as both of their eyes widened at the same time.

"You wouldn't throw anything of mine away—" he started to tease her until she interrupted him. "Shut up!" she said, making him laugh as she rolled her eyes at him.

"What? Do you like me now or something?" he fluttered his eye lashes, staring right at her as she faced the other way and didn't give him an answer. "Wait do you?" he said, freezing up as he saw her nod her head.

"Really?!" a blush reddened his cheeks as he smiled at her until the door opened, both turning around to see who it was. Their mood both changing very quickly as Shinichiro hid the jewelry box underneath her pillow, her eyes following his hand.

"Shinichiro, do you mind if me and her talk alone?" Takeomi said as Shinichiro glanced at her before nodding his head and leaving the room while Takeomi went to Y/n's side. She could automatically smell the perfume that coated his shirt, the smudge of red lipstick that he tried to hide on the side of his neck.

'He can't even control himself..' she thought, feeling the anger build up before she let out a sigh. "What did you want to talk about?" she said, her finger slowly placing the ring back on. The two weren't married but Takeomi wanted her to wear the ring so other's could think that she was.

"The doctors said you're able to leave today, I have the paper work and everything but I can't bring you back to your place. I have something at work to finish—" he started to say before he felt a sting on his cheek. "At least give me a better lie!" she said to him while he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not lying—

"Fine, I don't actually care. Is that all?" she asked him, watching him nod his head before he stood up, giving her a small wave goodbye before leaving the room. Once she heard the door close, just a few seconds later she heard it open back up, this time Shinichiro coming in.

"Guess i'll drive you home." he said to her, going to her side, his hand reaching under the pillow to get the jewelry box before opening it. His fingers holding the necklace up as he gestured her to come close so he could put it on her, she felt the cold gold brush against her skin while his hands reached behind her neck.

The necklace sat right on her collarbones as he retreated his hands back to his lap. He then brought her into a hug, feeling her arms wrap around his back as she smiled. "I wish I could live with you." she whispered to him.

"What about Takeomi—?"

"Him? The cheater? You're worried about the cheater—?"

"Let's move in together!"

NO SHINS NOT GONNA DIE EITHER 🤨🤨 i promise with my heart <3333333 /hj

also guess how chapters this book has left 😕

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