𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Move in with each other?! Wait, you're actually serious about this Shinichiro?!"

"Yeah..?" he said, looking at her as she was looking at him. "Mkay, once i'm better, we can look for places to live in." she said, her hand reaching behind his neck, leaning her forehead onto his before giving him a kiss.

"Why not now?"

"Well, first we have to use Takeomi's money, don't we? Then once the heart transplant is done, we'll live the rest of our lives, together."

She sighed, feeling a sharp pain in her chest, her fingers rubbing the area before laying herself on her bed. It was midnight and she couldn't sleep, she figured Shinichiro was already sleeping and she didn't even want to think about what Takeomi was doing this late.

She felt relieved, relaxed even, ever since her "secret" was out to Shinichiro, the weight on her shoulders were lifted off, but she felt worried. Worried that the heart transplant may not work.

She hugged herself tighter, bringing the blanket over her shoulders before tucking herself in and getting comfortable. She tried putting herself to sleep but her eyes wouldn't close.

Her mother suffered through the same condition, the same with her mother, and her mother, and her mother and so on. Their hearts were way too weak so they passed quickly, only a few years after they had their children.

So Y/n was scared at the thought of passing away before she could even have her own kid, scared to not watch the kid grow each day, scared to not watch the baby take it's first steps. Just genuinely scared of not being able to see the next day.

The thought of having a child made her heart warm up, she'd always talk to Takeomi about having one but he always denied, saying he was too busy to take care of one. Nonetheless her as well.

Though, the day she went over to visit Shinichiro's siblings, it was like she was a refreshing start. The way he cared for his younger siblings could be shown through his eyes, she could see how much he loved them, even if they loved to make fun of him.

She smiled at the memory, tears forming in her eyes as she closed them, attempting to stop the tears from coming out but they broke through her eyelids. She tried so hard to live a happy life.

And now that it was starting to get so good, her condition had to get in the way.

She cried herself to sleep, missing the phone calls from Shinichiro. He had woken up with a nervous feeling, going to call her to see if everything was alright but she wasn't picking up. Of course it was late at night but lately he noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

He then rushed out from bed and going to get his shoes and keys before leaving his place. He was going to her apartment, wanting to check if she was alright, even if she's sleeping.

It didn't take long for him to reach her, he walked up the flight of stairs before reaching her door, going towards it as he knocked softly, not wanting to catch any of the sleeping neighbors.

He waited for ten minutes but no answer, he turned around, going to head back down the flight of stairs before he heard the noise of the locks turn as he felt her arms wrap around him. He didn't say anything and neither did she, the only thing that could be heard were her sniffles.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer." she started to say, laying her head on his back. "Can you hold me?" she asked him and squeezing him a bit tighter. "If you let go then i'll be able to." he said, making her eyes widened before she moved her arms back to her side as he turned around.

The two didn't speak, not another word, only letting their actions play the rest of the night. She carefully pulled him back into her apartment as he closed the door, his chest pressed against hers while his arms hugged her body.

"Can..I kiss you?" he mumbled, feeling her nod her head as he backed up just a bit, giving them space between them before slightly tilting his head to the side before bringing his face towards her. Their noses touched as their lips met.

He held her tight as she held him tighter. He had his hands rested on her waist while her fingers gripped his shirt, holding him closer to her. She could taste the cigarettes on his lips, this specific taste was mixed with honey and tobacco.

A sweet taste she kissed off his lips.

His fingers made their way towards her chin, lifting her face up just a bit while his other hand moved to her back, softy pushing her against him as she took a few steps back and he took a few steps forward.

She placed her hand out, reaching out to feel the wall as she guided the way to her bedroom, her fingers against the door knob, turning it while he pushed the door open with the tip of his fingers.

And then, her back pressed against her mattress as he hovered on top of her, the strands of his hair fell on hers before he put space between them so they could breathe. His black eyes staring into her e/c ones, the two only looked at the other before not giving each other another second to kiss.

The two knew what they were doing, their relationship is fatal, one wrong move and it could quickly end but it never mattered to them. If they were to get caught by Takeomi, the end result would only end up in them doing the same as Takeomi did.

Seeing each other like teenagers in love sneaking out in the middle of the night.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

there's 10 chapters left, well 9 now


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