𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She woke up to the smell of cigarettes hitting her nose, pushing herself up as she saw Shinichiro seated in one of the chairs, close to the hotel window and blowing the smoke.

She moved the blanket away from her body, her feet touching the ground as she made her way towards him. He could hear her walking to him, glancing at her before feeling her fingers take away the cigarette from his and placing it between her lips.

"Good morning." he said, smiling at her as she nodded. "Morning to you too." she said, sitting in the chair in front of him, his shirt draping down her thighs on laying on the chair. The sun beamed into the window, hitting their faces as the orange hue covered the room.

"I wish I can stay with you forever Shinichiro." she said with a soft smile on her face while his cheeks reddened. "For-Forever?!" she laughed at his stutter.



"Ms. L/n?"

"Hm?" she looked away from her computer screen, turning over to her co-worker. "There's someone on the phone for you." she said. "Who is it?"

"He told me it was a surprise, sorry. It's on line 2." Y/n sighed, her hand reaching over to her work phone and placing it near her ear. "Hello?" she said, tapping her finger on her desk and waiting for the caller to reply. "Y/n, can we talk?"

"Talk? And you decide calling me at work would be a nice time to talk? Oh okay. Bye Takeomi." she was going to hang up until she heard him call her name. "Y/n wait!" he said into the phone, walking back and forth in the empty alley way. 

"I was calling you because..I found out about you and Shinichiro."

"Okay? What do you want me to say?" she said, rolling her eyes as her co-workers all had their eyes wide, they were all standing behind the wall with her office door slightly open. "How did you guys meet?" he asked her as her eyes widened at the stupid question.

"You want to know how we met?! The man who lied to me every night, the same one who cheated on me with multiple women, claiming he was just working late and the same one who went out with another girl on my birthday?! That same man is now concerned about my life?!" she raised her voice at him, her voice cracking as she placed her hands on her desk, the work phone falling onto the ground while her tears dripped onto her papers.

Her shaky hands reached down to pick up the phone, going to end the call again but he spoke. "Y/n, i'm sorry..just don't yell, it's not good for you." he said, waiting for her to answer but she said nothing and was only met with the call ending.

'Don't tell me what's good for me..especially you..'

She sat back down on her chair, her hands reaching towards the handle of the bottom drawer, opening it as she took out the clear bag of medication and placed it on her desk. She heard the phone ring once more, sighing before she wiped her eyes, then picking up the phone and placing it near her ear.

"Hello? This is L/n." she tried her best to say in her work voice. "Y/n? Are you crying?! Did someone make you sad?!" her eyes widened at his voice, it was Shinichiro. She then chuckled at the worry in his voice. "No, I think i'm just getting sick—"

"Then why are you at work?! Shouldn't you be resting?! I'll come over there and make some tea so you can feel better!"

"I'm joking Shin." she laughed at him, opening the bag and digging in for the bottle of pills she needed to take. "Takeomi—" she didn't even get to finish her sentence. "Did he say something stupid? I could punch him if you'd like."

"He's always saying something stupid and do as you please, but why are you calling me from my work phone and not from my phone?"

"Well you weren't answering..I thought "Oh, she's just at work, she must be busy," but then I was like..what if something bad happened. My Y/n senses were tingling, you know..and I guess I was right." he said, trying to cheer her up as he heard her laugh. 

"Y/n senses?" she questioned, holding the pill bottle in her hands before setting it down and getting her water."Yup!" he laughed. "Anyways, have a great day Y/n. I'll talk to you later, I have to get back to work! Bye!" he said into the phone. "Bye Shin." the phone call then ended with Shinichiro smiling to himself and Y/n holding her cries as she drank her pills.

She then heard a knock on her door, putting her medication away before looking up at the door. "Come in." Y/n said, wiping her tears away as she saw her co-worker come in with flowers. "If you need us to kick Akashi in the ass for you..then..we'll proudly do so!" she said, placing the flowers that her and her co-workers had bought for Y/n.

"What— You heard?! I'm sorry for being loud!" 

"Oh it's fine! How about we take you out for lunch L/n?"


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