𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Her fingers held the glass near the top, shaking it lightly as she heard the ice cubes crash into each other before raising the cup to her lips and take a sip of the liquor.

She felt her heart race, more than she wanted as it started to hurt, rubbing her chest with her fingers after placing the glass down. 'I should really take my pills again..' she thought, shaking her head at herself before reaching for the glass cup again.

"Aw come on! Stop making fun of me!"

"You don't get any girls Shinichiro! Of course we're going to make fun of you!" Wakasa said, lightly punching Shinichiro's arm as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever." he said, his eyes looking over at the bar as he saw her.

"Hm..Y/n?" he mumbled under his breath, his eyes then widened before he looked back at his two friends who were following from behind them. 'Wait! They don't know I know! And Takeomi doesn't know I went with Y/n for lunch! And Y/n doesn't know i'm friends with Takeomi! Let the gods save me now!'

'Shinichiro..?' she had recognized his voice, slightly turning her head just to get a look at him as she met his eyes, watching a scared expression reach his face before she saw a hand lay on his shoulder.

"Shinichiro, you should introduce us to that girl you were talking about." Takeomi said, laughing afterwards as Benkei and Wakasa saw Shinichiro's frozen state, moving their eyes towards to where he was looking at as they saw Y/n quickly pay the waiter before getting up from her seat and rushing out.

"Huh?" Shinichiro glanced back at his friend, shaking his head. "Oh..I'll be right back." Wakasa and Benkei saw the slight glare Shinichiro threw at Takeomi, both looking at each other then putting the pieces together.

'He definitely likes Y/n.'

Shinichiro then started walking towards the exit, pushing the doors open before looking both ways and seeing Y/n just a few buildings away. He then rushed over to her, trying to catch up with her as he almost grabbed her hand but caught her pinkie instead.

"Hm?" she stopped walking from the instant touch, turning to him before she let of a relieved sigh. "Oh Shinichiro, what are you doing?" she said, acting like she didn't have a clue. "I'll walk you home, it's already late! And I don't want you walking by yourself!" he said, lightly smiling at her as she froze.

"Are you ditching your friends for a girl?" she teased him, wrapping her arm around his as she started walking while he blushed from the sudden contact. "No! Sort of..but it's for a good reason! What if you get kidnapped Y/n?!"

"I won't get kidnapped Shinichiro." she laughed at him. "So uh, why'd you leave? I was planning to introduce you to my friends." he said, looking over to her as her smile slightly fell. "It was time for me to leave already, plus I was already getting tired."

"Well how long were you out? It's almost midnight."

"Um..only a few hours." she said, looking straight ahead, knowing he was staring right at her. "I came out of work late then I went to go eat something again..then I went to go get a drink."

"You should've called me! I would've went with you!" Shinichiro said, holding her closer as they felt the cold breeze past by them as a chuckle went past her lips. "I should've?"


"You're cute. Say, I want to see where you work, can we go there now?" she asked him, watching him nod. "Yeah, it's actually on the way. It's not that far of a walk." he said, leading the way, still holding onto her arm.

She glanced at him, his hair was still down though it was a bit messier as if he was playing around with it. She found him cute. He was wearing a long black jacket, still wearing the outfit he had on earlier.

She was still wearing her clothes from work, her heels clicking, echoing throughout the empty street as the two walked side by side. If she were to put into words how his comfort felt different from the others, she would describe it as a yearning feeling.

A yearning feeling from her dying heart. She squeezed his arm, trying to keep herself warm as he glanced at her. His heart doing back flips, a smile forming on his lips.

"We're here." he said, walking around to the side of the building, getting his keys out of his pockets, placing it in the hole and turning it before he pushed the door open. "It's a bit smaller than I imagined."

"It is?" he said, waiting her to get inside before closing the door and locking it. She noticed that he had already closed up, the doors were locked, the curtains were closed as everything was in its place.

"This isn't bad actually.." she mumbled, removing her arm from his, walking over to the motorcycle displayed near the closed window as she placed her hand on the handle. "Is this one yours?"

"Yeah! How'd you know?"

"Hm, it just seems like you would ride it." she said, looking at him as he gulped. 'Yeah and it seems like you should ride me—' he started to think but he shook his head from his thoughts as she gave him an odd look.

She sighed. 'He's friends with Takeomi..but i've never heard or seen of him until now.' she glanced at him as he was walking around, making sure everything was in place.

'Shinichiro's definitely not him, he wouldn't break your heart so just try again Y/n..is that even the right thing to do? I don't want people to think i'll be with the whole friend group..but it's not my fault. We just met on a dating website..'

'I'll try again..just one more time.'


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