𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I can walk you back to work."

"Are you sure? Plus you have your own job to go back to." she said as the two walked out the restaurant. "Mhm, I have a friend over there so we don't have to worry." Shinichiro smiled at her, watching her nod her head as she guided the way to her work.

"Do your friends know that you're going on a date with a random stranger that you met on a dating website?" she started to tease him, letting out a light chuckled as he blushed from embarrassment. "Or do they even know you signed up for one?"

"Of course not! It's embarrassing to say out loud!" Shinichiro looked the other way, trying to his his face as she smiled, humming afterwards. "Alright, no need to be so loud." she said, shaking her head, he started to feel even more embarrassed. 

"I was actually thinking.." she started to say, "Maybe the next time we meet, we could go on a date." with those last six words, joy bursted throughout his body, a wide smile on his face as she laughed at his expression. "Really?!"

"Yeah, and I don't usually go on dates." she said as she stopped walking, leaning closer to him as her cheek was almost touching his. "So take this as a compliment, okay?" she whispered into his ear before giving him a kiss on his cheek, pulling herself back and giving him a wave before she headed inside the office building.

'Am I floating? I'm literally the luckiest man alive. Her ex sucks, literally, who ever you are, you didn't love her enough.'


'Her name sounds familiar..even though she only gave me her first name..Do I still have my high school yearbook?'

He walked inside his room, leaning down to look under the bed as he didn't see anything. He went over to his drawers but it was all messed up with his clothes so he didn't bother looking. Shinichiro eyes then widened, immediately rushing over to his closet and throwing what ever was in it before he saw the year book in the corner.

"Why did I still keep this..?" he mumbled to himself, reaching for the thin book before walking over to his bed and sitting down. He started to flip through the pages, going straight to the first year section just to see how he looked like, he read the names at the bottom, finding his as he cringed at how his hair was styled.

"Now I see why they keep saying shit about my hair." he said, shaking his head before going to the second year section, finding Wakasa's picture as he gasped. "I didn't realize now but..he was actually good looking in high school?!" Shinichiro said before he slipped through the third year section.

"Oh..there's Benkei! He still looks the same..just older." Shinichiro said, his eyes moving down the rows before he spotted Takeomi. "His hair was so long?! Kinda reminds me of Takumi from Nana..but the non toxic and more prettier version.." he said before looking at the other page, recognizing a few people his friends used to hang out with.

"Did she even go to this school..?" he mumbled, his eyes looking carefully through the rest of the page before his eyes widened. "Her name..? She looks just like her?! L/n is her last name?! We went to the same school with each other?! She was so pretty then and now she's..she's hot!"

He then flipped through the rest of the pages, looking through the types of clubs and just random pictures that were taken until he hit the section, "Most Prettiest Couples!" He didn't recognize this part of the yearbook, he didn't even look at all the pages when he was a teen. 'Didn't she say her and her ex were together since high school..?'

He glanced at each of the pictures, not even remembering the couples. 'I don't even remember the couples or if my friends even had ones!' he thought before looking at the last page of the section as his eyes widened. 

"Y/n and..Takeomi..dated?!" he stared right at the picture, the two were holding hands, Y/n's head on his shoulder as Takeomi's head was laying on hers. "How come I didn't know about this?! They dated?! Wait— Is he the one she married?! And he cheated on her?! How could he cheat on her?! How can he cheat on someone?!"

He then reached into his pocket, getting his phone and debating whether or not to call him but instead decided to call Wakasa instead. "Waka, Waka, Waka, Waka." he said repeatedly into the phone. "Uh yeah..?"

"Did Takeomi ever have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah? Plenty."

'That's not helping!' he thought, shaking his head before looking back down at the photo. "Do you remember him dating a girl with h/c hair? Uh (tall/short), pretty face and e/c eyes?" Shinichiro said, hearing Wakasa hum. "Oh, Y/n?"

"Yes! Her!"

"They got married— well divorce now, didn't you know?"

"What?! No! I didn't know anything! Does Benkei know too?!" Shinichiro was in shock, wondering how the hell he managed to go almost ten years without knowing his friend was in a relationship and married! "Yes, I knew too. She's a really pretty woman by the way."

'I know she is! I literally just went on a "date" with her!'

"Huh?! Benkei's with you?!"

"Yeah? We're besties." Wakasa said in the most monotone voice as Benkei laughed in the background. "How do you know Y/n?" Wakasa asked him, looking over to Benkei who shrugged his shoulders. "I was just uh..looking through my yearbook and I saw that couple section.."

"How come I didn't know about them? And..why did they divorce?" Shinichiro said, laying down on his bed. He wanted to know whether or not she was telling the truth— which he sure she was. "Pretty sure cause we weren't as close as we are now but I thought he sent you a wedding invitation?" 

"Huh? No, I didn't get any mail, nor did I receive a wedding invitation— Mikey and Emma probably threw it away.." Shinichiro sighed. "Oh, guess you were too busy with trying to find a girlfriend but she divorced him. That bastard cheated on her with multiple women.."

"And the loser still misses her, he knows he's not going to get her back. She was crushed when she found out the news, I saw her a few days ago, near her job, she seemed lighter like happier but I don't think she'll be in a relationship any time soon."

"But you never know."


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 || 𝘀. 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now