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Areum sat at the piano of the music room at school trying to write the lyrics to a melody she wrote on the piano. She tapped her pen against the table next too her quickly getting fast and faster, more violent until she, out of rage and the growing frustration, she threw the pen against the wall hearing it clatter as it fell.

"What did the pen ever do to you?" She heard an older voice.

"Everything and nothing," Areum sighed, leaning against the back of her chair, turning her head to the voice of her teacher, Miss. Seo-jun. She was the one who listened to her play, the one who helped her improve her playing and lyrics writing, the one who listened while her parents could not. Miss. Seo-jun was on the younger side of teachers, she had luscious midnight black hair that went to her midblack, her eyes were kind and warm for whenever Areum looked at them she felt safe. Her voice was soothing to hear and was far better than the yelling of her mothers. Areum has never met someone so kind before. 

Miss. Seo-jun also understood Areum situation for she was stuck in the depts of poverty with a passion for teaching and music both of which are difficult to pursue as a career. She initially tried to become a lawyer to which she failed going more into a money dept. 

"I finally asked my parents," Areum said, remembering the night before.

"And..." Miss Seo-jun trailed.

"No," she said bluntly looking at the keyboard in front of her, "as expected."

Her teacher looked down at her desk, trying to find the right words of comfort to help her student only finding that the truth would help.

"I fear that your parents will always be like that and who can blame them," Miss Seo-jun explained looking at her pupil who seemed more defeated than any other day, "but I believe that if you are truly passionate about music, you should try and once you get famous just remember that I was your first fan."

Areum smiled and giggled at her teacher's ridiculous remark. If her parents didn't support her, who would? Well, except her teacher. Her words though, did give a sense of encouragement. Maybe, just maybe, she could.

"I also know that you're interested in rap so if you are interested, there is a competition hosted by a small company called BigHit, you might find some inspiration there if you want to watch."

Areum nodded at the information given and went to retrieve her pencil. She continued to write her lyrics, while also digesting the information her teacher told her. Her parents, most likely, wouldn't be home due to their late-night schedules, being able to go to the competition to watch and going back home without being caught would be easy but the homework won't.

"I probably can't I hav-"

"Homework? I've got you covered," her teacher laughed winking at her playfully, "now, off you, time to get out, go to the competition and watch, get some inspiration, see if you can make friends, there are probably some similar minded people to you."

Areum modded packing her belongings, placing them in her school back while turning off the power to the keyboard. Standing up, she swung her bag on her back, she walked out the door bowing and waving to Miss Seo-jun as she left.

Leaving the school, she noticed the large number of students that attended her school, how many had friends, while she didn't have any. The more people who attended school, the more she realised how lonely she was. Areum wanted friends but her social anxiety didn't let her. The fear of having to interact with someone consumed her but also the fear of being the only one alone worried her a little but as time ticked on she got used to it to a point where it does not bother her anymore.

She walked along the familiar path of Daegu, going to the destination of the failure convenience store. She went to the drink section, grabbing three banana milks and then paying at the register. Areum walked to the steps, making sure to sit out of everyone's way. She sipped her banana milk waiting for a particular guest or animal in particular

She felt a head rub against her side, looking towards it, she noticed the familiar black fur of the stray cat she called Gaeul, meaning autumn. It's black eyes stared at her, waiting for something, in particular. Areum reached for her bag, digging for cat snacks that she purchased a while ago. She held out her hand letting Gaeul eat from it. Once Areum was finished her drink, she walked to the Gaeul's small house that she purchased, where Areum filled the water and food bowls for Gaeul. She said her goodbye's while patting its head, leaving to the destination of the competition.

 She said her goodbye's while patting its head, leaving to the destination of the competition

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