𝘊𝘏. 23

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Areum bid Eun-Byeol farewell on Christmas Eve. Snow danced from the sky painting the dull concrete streets with a shimmering glow the colour of ash. Areum for once felt excited for Christmas. An unusual feeling of excitement and a rush to finally celebrate Christmas with others filled the 13-year-Olds body.

She managed to wrap Yoongi's and Namjoons's presents that she managed to purchase. Yoongi said that they planned to eat cake and ramen since that was basically all they had. She also decided to buy some more food for them to eat like pizza which they aren't usually allowed to eat due to their strict diets.

Making it to their dorm, Areum heard loud but cheerful yelling that dispersed throughout their dorm and to outside. She knew it wasn't Yoongi and she also knew it was Namjoon since his voice was deeper, so she wondered who it was. It was a very cheerful and uplifting voice that echoed through

She managed to knock on the door which opened showing a very cramped room. In the corner was a small Christmas tree with fairy lights twinkling, and food containers were left on the table.

Yoongi, who opened the door, greeted the girl, to which she greeted back.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" An excited, cheerful voice filled the happy atmosphere as a boy ran through the small dorm as jumped around.

The excited boy suddenly stomped abruptly, seeing Areum at the door with Yoongi the one opening it,

"oh, hello, Areum-ah!" A familiar bright voice greeted.

Areum raised her eyebrows, surprised to see Hoseok as she thought that only Namjoon and Yoongi lived here, but nevertheless, she smiled back saying, "hello, Hoseok-Hyung."

Areum walked inside the significantly warmer room as she took off her shoes, and hung her puffer jacket

"Ooh," a voice cooed from a room, "you got presents."

Areum turned around seeing Namjoon, "Yeah, I got one for you and Yoongi-Oppa, I didn't know that Hoseok-Oppa was coming so I didn't get one for you, sorry."

"It's fine," Hoseok said looking at the food Areum brought over, "I just moved into the dorm yesterday, and food is enough- oh you can call me Hobi by the way."

Areum found the nickname adorable and fit his cheerful personality that anyone could fall for. Distracted by the boy who labels himself as the suitable name of J-Hope, Yoongi walked up to the shorter girl.

"You know you didn't have to get us presents," he said, now next to Areum.

Areum turned around, seeing the milky skin tones boy, "it's fine, I wanted to get you guys something to say thank you for helping me."

"I got you something, too," Yoongi whispered, looking down shyly.

Areum's eyes lit up, "really?!"

With Yoongi's blantly nod, Areum felt incredibly elated, she jumped up and down slightly, clapping her hands in excitement. She had never received a present before, this was the first time someone had ever given her a gift for Christmas.

"Thank you," she said shyly with a rare, genuine smile that barely anyone saw, "it would be the first present someone had ever gotten me."

"It's nothing," Yoongi said trying to keep his usual composure despite the unusual sight of the energetic, happy thirteen-year-old, "I'm going to make some kimchi fried rice later if you want some?"

Areum nodded at his suggestion as she quite enjoyed anything with rice.

"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!" Hoseok's voice repeatedly pointed outside to the blanket of snow that covered the street, "let's go play in the snow!"

"Yeah! Let's go, Hyung," Namjoon said eagerly.

"Aish!" Yoongi said looking out the window and his two band mates acting like children, "but it's so cold."

"Come on Hyung," Namjoon pushed.

"Fine," Yoongi gave in, "wear warm clothes."

Areum went to grab her jacket from the hanger and put it on herself as well as putting the white scarf around her neck making her slightly chubby cheeks puff out making her look like a dumpling.

Hoseok then ran outside with Namjoon following him both laughing as they ran through the snow. Areum followed them then watched as Namjoon fell, face first into the snow.

"Namjoon-ah!!!" Hoseok laughed out as he fell face first into the snow.

"You tripped me over!!!" Namjoon muffled through the layer of snow. He then got up smiling and then brought out his gloved hands that were filled with clumps of snow.

"No, no, no," Hobi said slowly, backing away from Namjoon, "Namjoon no violence."

Namjoon then suddenly started to chase Hobi, throwing snow at him with Hobi screaming and laughing his lungs out.

"Come here Hobi."

"It was Areum-ah,"Hoseok lied, wanting to get the taller boy away from him. Hearing the accusation, Areum stopped her snowman building and turned to Hoseok.

"No it wasn't me," Areum said, waving her arms desperately out in front of her. Suddenly a snow ball came out from Namjoon's hand which Areum ducked but it hit the snowman that Areum spent time on.

"My snowman," Areum jokingly said sadly, she then turned around to Namjoon seeing his scared face to which she yelled out informally, "NAMJOON-AH!!!"

She then started to throw snowballs at both Namjoon for demolishing her snowman and Hoseok for accusing her. They all had a snow fight which involved a lot of yelling, laughing and falling all the while Yoongi sat on a bench laughing and recording them.

Yoongi had never seen Areum act so carefree and happy so he too felt happy. He really was becoming soft for the girl that he viewed as a little sister.


Finished with their snow fight, all of them walked back into the dorm, flushed red from the cold. Areum had flakes of snow that lay in her hair destined to melt. The sun now set leaving the fairy lights in the dorm to light up their night like twinkling stars. The wrapped presents were under the Christmas tree a group of fur kids sad under.

Areum had given everyone else their presents now the only one left to give was Yoongi. Yoongi held it in his hands, unwrapping the carefully designed paper. His eyes were in shock about what he saw. The new MIDI boards, the one they both saw at the shops together.


Namjoon and Hoseok were crowding around Yoongi in awe at the expensive items.

"I have been working quite hard and received some tips from those rich families," She said with a smile, "anyways ,I feel like I owe you a whole studio and an ice-cream store and tangerines."

Yoongi smiled slightly at the younger girl beyond being thankful for the new music contraption that he could add to his collection and make better music.

He then took out Areum's present and handed it over to her. She excited ripped open the paper. Her grew larger if that were possible, and her mouth hung open. A new keyboard. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Areum thanked, elated at the new key board. 

"Shit," Yoongi said, smelling the room and running over to the small kitchen, "Namjoon, you put the oven too high!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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