𝘊𝘏. 4

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After a few minutes of walking through the streets of Daegu, Areum finally reached the destination of the competition

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After a few minutes of walking through the streets of Daegu, Areum finally reached the destination of the competition. She noticed the crowd of people started to form around a small stage that had the backdrop of the company's logo 'BigHit'. Areum looked left to right, trying to find the most comfortable place to sit down.

Finding the only spare seat next to another person, her 13-year-old self asked quietly, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

The boy shook his head as Areum sat herself on the chair. Feeling awkward if she just sat there, she retrieved the small notebook she purchased a few months ago which held lyrics and small drawings. She mindlessly wrote random lyrics out of boredom, gathering any inspiration she could out of the crows of people and mindless chatter.

Feeling peckish, the young girl retrieved her banana milk from her bag, noticing that the same boy was just sitting there like before.

"See if you can make friends, there are probably some similar minded people to you, "Areum recalled her teacher saying."

I can try, she thought to herself, it's not as if she'll ever see him again, a small gesture of kindness wouldn't do much anyway.

"Would you like some banana milk," Areum's small voice offered, snapping the boy out of his daze, "I have another if you would like?"

"Uhhh, sure," the mohawked boy reached out his hand, grabbing the banana milk from the younger girl, smiling slightly at the shy girl's gesture, "thank you."

I did! Areum celebrated slightly in her mind, I talked to a person.

Despite the small interaction, she was one step closer to overcoming her mild social anxiety. Areum was diagnosed with a mild social anxiety disorder by her school's psychiatrist after Miss. Seo-jun noticed her behaviour when interacting with other students, Areum's parents were informed and couldn't do much about it. Mental health problems is very taboo is Korea and Areum's couldn't afford the treatment to help their daughter, they could barely afford for her to see a psychiatrist outside of school for a short week. Despite this, Areum loved performing in front of her class or school, whether it was playing the piano or singing, it was her way of interacting with others rather than speaking.

"First up we have Gloss from D-Town!"

Areum looked up from her book, she watched as the boy next to her, Gloss, got up to the stage. Areum felt excited and jittery. It wasn't every day that she saw other musicians with passion's like her's. Watching Gloss rap on stage, she felt immersed in the meaningful lyrics mixed the beats of the background music and rap. She was wowed at his speed of rapping, Areum too enjoyed rapping although she wasn't very good at it, finding singing slightly easier for her.

Watching the rap come to an end, she clapped lightly seeing Gloss come back to the.

Should I congratulate him, would he think I'm weird?

Areum fiddled with her hands anxiously contemplating whether congratulating him would be a good idea. Would her complement be belittled? Would he just ignore her? But to her, those lyrics that he wrote were amazing and his rapping skills were what she wished her mumble-jumble could be.

Just go.

Do it.

Who knows you might just complement the next biggest star.

"I really liked your lyrics," Areum said shyly, "Gloss was it?"

"T-thanks," he stuttered out, slightly surprised by her compliment, "Gloss is just my stage name, my name's Min Yoongi, 93' liner, you can call me Yoongi"

Areum's eyes widened slightly, releasing that she was talking to a person older than her and wasn't using honorifics.

"Seong Areum, 97' liner," she introduced to her elder.

"So are you here to compete?" Yoongi asked.

Areum shook her head, responding, "trying to get some inspiration and check it out I guess, my teacher recommended for me to come here."

"Inspiration? Do you make music?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"I try to," Areum shrugged, "although, it would be quite hard since my parents are selling my keyboard soon."

"Your parents don't support you," Yoongi guessed.

"Yeah, they're just protective over my future," she stated, "we are quite poor."

"I'm in a similar situation to you," Yoongi said, which caused Areum to become more curious about him, he made amazing music and lyrics despite being in a similar situation to her.


"Yeah, my parents don't really support my passion for music, do you write lyrics?" Yoongi asked, changing the topic abruptly.

"Yeah I do, I write them in this book since I forget them most of the time."

"May I have a look, if you are comfortable."

Areum hesitated for a bit, never once had someone been curious about her music before, only her teacher, so giving something she put a lot of work into scared her. But, never the less, she handed over her book for the chance that Yoongi might like it or give her some feedback.

"This is quite good," he said, reading the word on the paper that Areum spent a lot of time writing, "you're only thirteen right?"

Areum hummed in response.


Areum was elated that he liked her lyrics. From what she saw today, he was an insanely talented musician so receiving a compliment from him made her day.

"How do you do it?" She asked, "you know, become a musician if your parents don't support you."

Yoongi closed her book, thinking about what to say in response to the younger girl's question. Should he sugarcoat it? No. He should be realistic, he thought not wanting to place a false sense of reality and hope on the girl.

"If you really enjoy music, you should probably try to audition for companies or try to get your music out in the world despite what your parents think because in your future our parents can't really control us. It can get really hard though but we are all going to die anyway, why not die doing what you truly enjoy," Yoongi stated looking at the younger girl who nodded.

Looking at the time, Areum noticed that she should get home soon to avoid the lecture her parents would give her, "I have to go now, thank you Yoongi-Hyung."

She waved goodbye to the person she called her friend, knowinging that she might never see him again, or maybe she will see him on the Billboards, she thought.

She waved goodbye to the person she called her friend, knowinging that she might never see him again, or maybe she will see him on the Billboards, she thought

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In this world of ours, she can call him hyung because unfortunately, Oppa is quite sexualised.

Drink air, breathe water <3

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