š˜Šš˜. 15

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It was early in the morning, the sun had barely risen over the horizon but she had a scheduled vocal lesson before she had to go to her first day of school. She sat in the vocal room, warming up her voice before her teacher came.

"Okay, nice to meet you Areum I am Jung sun-seng-nim let's begin," the older and significantly taller woman, said immediately walking into the small room sitting down on a chair. Her blond hair was tied into a tight high ponytail highlighting her light makeup. He face was quite serious which was intimidating. She had papers on her lap writing down random words.

"Okay let's start with some basic warm-up and scales."

She first began with simple warm-ups and scales with her vocal teacher mainly assessing her for where she is at. Every now and then she pursed her lips or nodded. This went for around 10 minutes.

"Now can you sing the song you auditioned with?" Jung sun-seng-nim asked with a serious tone lacing her words. Her head was still down writing notes in a notebook.

Areum then did what she was instructed to and sang Coward by Buzz. The instructor continued to give her different songs from different genres to test her repetior and what songs best fit her vocal style or how to branch out her vocal abilities.

"Your vocal range is quite good for someone who hasn't had any vocal training, you can hit high notes, belt and a strong chest voice, obviously you can improve like anyone else but I'm quite pleased," the instructor said smiling at the younger girl, "now I hear you have your first day of school so you should probably get ready for that, I prepare a schedule and have it sent to you, bye Areum."

Areum bowed to her instructor saying goodbye as she left the room. She walked back to the dorms with most of the girls starting to wake up. Areum went to get changed into her school uniform.

"Ahh, you look so cute," a high pitched voiced cooed.

Startled by the scream, Areum turned around seeing most of the girls look at the Eun-Byeol.

"What are you? Her mother?" Ae-ra said laughing at Aun-Byeol.

"I'd like to call myself the older sister," Eun-Byeol corrected helping the 13-year-old, "are you excited."

"Not really," she said bluntly and quietly. Going to a new school made a big pit in her stomach grow. Her hand got more sweaty as she packed her bag, and her breathing got slightly more rapid. Her social anxiety started to show thourgh but she didn't want to tell anyone. She couldn't tell anyone for the fear of being kicked out created fear within her.

"I have to go now," she said unwillingly, putting on a smile to not worry her Unnie, "bye."

The rest of the girls bid her goodbye. She walked to the bus stop waiting for her bus. Once she got on, she played music in her earbud to control her anxiousness.


She now stood in front of her classmates. Her hands were behind her back, trying to prevent anyone else from noticing her nervousness. All the other kids laid their eyes on her as she forced her eyes to look down slightly, avoiding all her new classmate's curious eyes. It felt constricting, she never liked large groups of people so having 30 pairs of eyes look at her made her what to run out of the classroom. Not being able to treat her social anxiety young meant that it started to grow. Crowds started to feel like tsunamis trying to drown her, meeting one new person felt like the whole world was watching her talk. She didn't want it to get worse but what could she do?

"This is Areum, she is new to this school, I have been informed that she is an idol trainee and I expect you all to treat her well," her teacher said, "you can go sit over there."

Areum, glad she didn't have to introduce herself, walked to where her teacher pointed to, she sat down readying herself for school.

She could tell this was going to be a long day but she promised her mother that if she were to be an idol trainee, she would still keep up in her education. She made sure to pay attention in maths, making important notes, to understand literature, to be confident in science etcetera.

As the bell rang, all the students broke into there friend groups leaving to the cafeteria leaving Areum still sitting down by herself in the class room.


She made it back to the dorms being greeted by all her Unnie's and in a hug by Eun-Byeol.

"How was school, Was it boring, did you make friends," Eun-byeol questioned quickly.

"Yeah, it was alright, no need to worry," Areum reassured not wanting to worry Eun-Byeol.

"We have dance practice now you should probably get changed," Eun-byeol suggested making Areum walk back to their shared bedroom to collect her practice clothing.

"We have dance practice now you should probably get changed," Eun-byeol suggested making Areum walk back to their shared bedroom to collect her practice clothing

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*Sorry about the lack of BTS members, there will be Suga in the next chapter I think and I will try to introduce more of the members. After around chapter 17-18, their will be more of the other member appearances :)


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