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Is life a dream? Is it a nightmare that you can't get out of? I bet everybody has their own opinion on this but to me it's both. My nightmare of a life is dark and scary but I found a light that brightens my nightmare to a dream.  It doesn't come easy but once you find your light  DON'T LET GO. 

Shilo's POV

I woke up to jumping on my bed. It took a while for me to open my eyes, trying to stay in the darkness for as long as I could. But sadly that could not happen because I started to get tickled. I opened my eyes laughing and held on to the culprit. 

The four year old that holds the hey to my heart, my little sister  Halo. I held her little hands stopping her from tickling me and I started to tickle her. She started to laugh and it's like music to my ears. I love when she's happy and smiling cause it makes me happy too. 

"Sissy stwap, I sorry." She laughed out. 

I tickled her for a 10 more seconds and then I stop. I pulled her gently in my arms and kissed her forehead. 

"Good morning my angel. How are you?" 

"I excited." She replied bouncing in my arms. 

"Mhm why are you excited?" I asked feigning confusion. 

"We're moving silly." She said hitting my hand playfully. 

"Then we better get ready then." I picked her up and carried her to her bathroom. 

Let me say a brief introduction. My name is Shilo and I am 23 years old. I left home when I was 19 and I took my little sister with me. I practically been raising her since she was a baby. Our parents are not the type of people that should be raising a child  and I didn't want her to go through what I did so I took her. 

She's my light in my darkness and because of her I push myself to become better and to elevate myself to become where I want to be financially. I want her to enjoy her life and childhood and to do activities that she's interested in without having to worry about money. 

If you're wondering how we survived all these years  it's because our grandparents left us money and their house when they died. My parents didn't know about it for obvious reasons so we we're finically stable for these 4 years.   

Now you know a little bit about me we can continue the story. 

I got her in her bathroom and started giving her a bath. She was ranting happily about moving and starting new adventures and I just listened and smiled at her. She's such a happy child and I want her to stay that way forever. 

When I finished her bath, I helped her brush her teeth. She held my hand and thought that she was dragging me but that's all good. Last night she was so excited she picked her own outfit and slept next to it. 

I dried her off, moisturized her skin and got her dressed. 

"Time to do your hair baby." I said going up to her hair products. 

She jumped on the bed and kicked her feet playfully. 

"What do you want today Halo?"     

"2." She said. 

"2 what? Buns or plaits?" I asked. 

"Buns please." 

"Okay then 2 space buns coming up." 

I started doing her hair and when I tell you it's like so hard to do it because her hair is so thick, long and it get's knotted so fast. After I finished her hair I took her to the kitchen and made her some of  cinnamon pancakes which are her favorite.

I finished them, got her some juice and I moved her to the Livingroom so she could watch some tv so I could hop in the shower real quick. I tuned the tv on Paw Patrol and asked her if she was good. She nodded yes with her mouth full of pancakes and then I left. 

I ran up to my room and started my hygienic routine. I started my shower playlist turning it down so I could hear if Halo needed something or was in trouble. I stepped in my shower and turned the cold water on. I stepped under it and felt the water run down my body. 

After my shower I dried off, wrapped myself in my robe and went to my room. I moisturized my skin and and got dressed. After that I put my hair in a messy bun and went back downstairs. 

Halo was right where I left her with a empty plate in her lap. I walked up to her got the plate and cup and carried it back to the kitchen. I'm leaving everything in the house because I'm going to keep it as a get away house. 

I washed the plates packed up the rest of the pancakes as a snack for Halo and then loaded the bags in the back of my matte black range rover that my grandparents gifted me when I was 19. 

Shilo's car

I double checked my list to make sure I had everything and then I went to get Halo

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I double checked my list to make sure I had everything and then I went to get Halo. 

"Who's ready for a adventure?" I asked turning off the Tv. 

"Me, me." Halo jumped up running to me. 

She made the grabby hands telling me to lift her up. I did just that and walked out of the door. I locked it behind of me and went to the car. I made sure that she was properly secured in the back seat and then I got in the drivers seat.  

I started playing her playlist. Los Angeles here we come. 

End of chapter 1

Yes this chapter was short, they are going to get longer overtime

I hope you enjoyed it.

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If you have anything you want to see happen you know what to do.

word count: 1026

See you in chapter 2

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