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Shilo's POV

It's been a week since everything transpired, and I took Tay up on her offer to go to her lawyer and they got me sorted out real fast. They listened to my side of things and just my story of how and why I have Halo and from there they worked on the papers. 

I decided that I didn't want to go through with a court hearing, I just wanted to get the papers take them to my parents and make them sign it. Well I'm going to practically buy their signatures from them. And if I went through with a court hearing then that would have tipped them and Kiyomi off and then things would have gotten messier and deeper. 

Right now, I'm sure that neither them or Kiyomi would think that I'm planning or plotting anything. Maybe Kiyomi even feels like I'm not taking her threat seriously since Desani and I are very much still together. She's stayed with Halo and I for the rest of last week, only leaving to go to work or when she left to get more clothes. 

But now Halo is not sick anymore so she's back at school and I'm back to work focusing on my clients and getting shit together. I was in my office just minding my business on my laptop setting up a meeting when Mr. Hendrix aka my boss aka my girlfriend's dad called my office. Now I have to think back on if I did anything wrong or made any mistakes. 

"Good afternoon Ms. Bolton, please make your way to my office." He said in a monotone voice. 

"Yes sir." I replied and then he hung up. 

I feel like I'm back in high school and been called to the principal's office. But show no fear right, so I got up and straightened myself out then left my office. I stood in front of the elevator, pressing the button and then waited for it to open. When it finally opened it was empty thankfully, no forced socializing for me at this moment. I pressed the button for his office floor and I gripped on to the hand bar thingy. 

It felt like time was moving extra slow, like I really felt like I was in that elevator for a whole hour. But in actuality it's only been like a minute or maybe a minute thirty seconds until the door finally opened. I stepped out and first walked to his assistant you know just trying to be respectful. 

"Hi Mr. Hendrix called to see me." 

"Yeah of course, he's expecting you. You can go in." She smiled at me well at least she was nice, some of the ones I've had to interact with are so downright vile it makes me want to slap them upside their head. 

"Thank you, have a good rest of your day." I smiled back at her. 

"You too."

After that pleasant encounter I walked in the direction of his office and I mentally was preparing myself for whatever could happen, I took a deep breath and lifted one of my hand to knock on the door. I heard a faint come in, so I opened the door closing it softly behind me then I walked over to his office. 

"Good afternoon, sir." I stood hoping that he couldn't tell that I was internally freaking out. 

"Good afternoon again Ms. Bolton, please take a seat." 

"Thank you." I said sitting.  

"I bet you're wondering why I called you in." He spoke leaning back in his chair. 

"I am, yes." 

"I went over your proposed ideas that you wanted to run by me as it relates to one of your clients." He started. 

'Aww shit here it comes, he hates them. Hates them so much that I'm about to be fired.' I thought in my head. 

"I must say your ideas are very good. Your portfolio is shaping up to be one of the best that I've seen in my time in this industry, so I wanted to give you your props." A smile finally broke out on his face, and I released a breath I didn't even know I was keeping in. 

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