XI (New)

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Shilo's POV

Christmas went by so fast and it's all a blur  really.  Halo got so many gifts from not only from  me but Desani, Taylar and Xio.  I'm literally going to be dealing with a spoil baby girl the way she be getting so many gifts. But that's fine, my princess deserves it. 

Desani bought me a necklace with her nickname 'Des' on it and I love it. We were over hanging out at her house for Christmas and it was really fun. We ate, played games and watched tons of Christmas movies. 

Sadly all good things must come to a end because as soon as Christmas  was over we were right back to work finalizing this event. We've been working non-stop that we haven't had any one on one time outside of work. But all that is about to change because tomorrow is the party  and today is the last day of us working on it.  

I was sitting at my desk finishing up a few final touches before having to go to the venue tomorrow. That's when Desani walked in with 2 bags of food in her hands. She smiled at me before sitting down taking the food out of the bags. I finished up my call saying my goodbyes before hanging up. 

"Well hello there, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" 

"I knew how much you missed me so I decided that we would eat some lunch together."  She said handing me my food and drink. 

"Look at you acting cocky."  I laughed. 

"It's not being cocky, I missed you so I knew you missed me." 

"You're not wrong about that. We work literally next door to each other but we barley interact." 

"Unless it's work." She laughed. 

"That's going to change after tomorrow." I said. 

"We get a few days off after that, so more time for us to catch up." She said then taking a sip of her drink. 

"We should definitely get that one on one date." I winked. 

"I'm planning for that already." She laughed. 

"Halo misses spending time with you." 

"Aw I miss my bubba too, definitely going to have to spend a day with both of you." 

After that we fell into comfortable conversation.  Just catching up on different things that we've missed out and her giving me the run down about tomorrow. 

"So you'll pick me up tomorrow?"  I asked. 

"Yeah of course, but what about Halo?"

"She has a field trip tomorrow and she'll be back later that day." I explained. 

"Where's she going?" 

"She's going to a zoo, she talks about it everyday."

"Aww she's adorable." 

"She already picked out her outfit and she made me hang it up so she could see it before she goes to sleep."  I laughed. 

"She's so cute when she gets excited. Kind of like you."

"Kind of? I'm offended." I pouted. 

"Your adorable when you pout." 

"Get out of my office Desani." I rolled my eyes. 

"Aww little baby getting a attitude." 

She got up and she came over to my side of the table, one of her hand on my chin tilting my head up.  She tilted her head down and her lips touched mine. 

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