XII (New)

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Shilo's POV

It has been 7 hours and I'm exhausted, this day has brought me nothing but bad luck. First with the caterers, then with the cake and finally  the ice sculptor was late. But with Des's help I kept calm and collected and we fixed all the problems that happened.  At the end of it everything worked out perfectly. 

We stayed for a half an hour making sure that everything was good and then when that was confirmed we left.  We left through the back entrance and then we had to walk from there to the parking lot. 

"Des I'm tired." I whined, I know I sound like a baby but I'm tired. 

"Come on big baby, we're almost there." She laughed wrapping her arms around me, pulling me closer. 

"You should just carry me." I playfully said. 

She stopped walking and then opened her arms signaling me to stand in front of her. 

I went in front of her and next minute I'm in her arms my legs around her waist. 

"Des I'm literally taller than you, this is weird." I laughed. 

"Shush Shilo you got your wish for not walking." She gave my ass a little squeeze. 

 "Don't start anything that you can't finish Des." I playfully said. 

"Baby girl , when I start best believe I always finish." She said in her low seductive voice that makes me shiver. 

I didn't say anything after that which made her laugh. When she walked us to the car she went to her said opening the car and then went over to the passengers side where I slid out of her arms and into my seat. 

I did a little stretch and yawned buckling my seatbelt. She got into her seat and started the car. 

"So is Halo back from the zoo yet?" She asked pulling out of the parking lot. 

"She should be back soon, by the time we get there they should be waiting." I explained. 

"I was thinking, why don't I spend the night with you both? We can watch movies and eat popcorn and all of that." She proposed. 

"That sounds fun and I bet Halo would love that too." I smiled at her. 

"Great after we pick her up we can go to my house so I can get clothes and then go to the store." She went on. 

"Sounds like a plan." I said, then she intertwined her fingers together. 

I leaned my head back on my seat and closed my eyes. I felt the vibrations of the cars and heard the the outside noises of car beeping, sounds of the engines and the heavy winds. I really tried to go to sleep but I couldn't get comfortable even though the seats were really comfortable. After more and more driving, the car finally stopped and she turned it off. 

"Do you want me to go get her?"  I opened my eyes and looked around seeing parents with their kids. 

"I'll go with you." I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. 

 We both got out of the car and walked side by side until we got to her classroom door. As always I knocked and waited for the teacher to open it.  I don't understand why she can't just leave the door open, saves more energy that way. 

She opened the door and called over Halo who came running to me with grabby hands. I laughed at her and picked her up sitting her on my hip.  She waved goodbye to her teacher and then we walked back to the car. 

"Did you have fun honey?" I asked bouncing her on my hip. 

"Yes sissy, we saw elephants." She clapped her hands. 

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