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Shilo's POV

After the ordeal with Kiyomi's bitch ass we got our food and food for Halo, and we went straight to pick her up from school. I needed a new shirt just because this one had specs of blood on it and just looked rumpled and since Des keeps spear clothes in her car like me, she loaned me a shirt. Well really, she thinks she loaned it to me; she's not getting it back at all.  

Right now, we're sitting in her car waiting for school to be dismissed. So, we were sipping on our drinks in silence with some music playing lowly in the background. I think we were both just replaying the memories back in our heads. 

"Do you know you look sexy when you fight?" She asked, I turned to her to see her already looking at me smirking. 

"No, I didn't know that at all." I laughed thinking that it was just a joke.

"I don't know why you're laughing like it's funny." She gave me the sank face like she was really upset. 

"It is funny baby, mostly because why would you say that!" I laughed harder. 

"Then you really shouldn't know what was really on my mind." Her face morphed into a smirk. 

"Tell me what you really wanted to say." 

"Nope, you'll just laugh again." 

"Please." I said trying to persuade her.

"No." She replied blankly. 

"Come on please Desani." 

"Nope, no can do." 

"Really? Okay fine." I said this to bait her cause I really do want to know what she was thinking. 

"Okay, okay you wore me down. In my head I said watching you fight made me horny." She finally said, her cheeks turning a little pink. 

"Seeing me beat up your ex made you horny?" I smirked and she nodded slowly. 

"Look at you getting wet for me without me even trying."

"I should have kept my mouth shut." She mumbled looking down at her lap. 

"No, it's good to know what turns you on." I said sliding two fingers under her chin moving her head up, so she was facing me again and I held eye contact with her. 

There's just something about being able to hold eye-contact with your partner, it's a level of intensity that fills up your body and gives you chills. It takes a special person to have it with though, some one that you could just sit with and get lost in their eyes and the story that they show. Some one that knows how to form that intimate connection with that it wouldn't feel forced. If i'm being totally honest I feel like that someone that I have that with is Des. 

In the midst of our eye connection, I found myself leaning in slowly and she mirrored that action until our eyes closed and lips met. The intensity traveled through the kiss and if I am being honest if I didn't remember where we currently were I would have taken both her clothes and mine off.

She was the first to pull back and it took me a while to open my eyes because I was savoring the feeling of her lips on mine. It literally made me forget of what happened earlier and all I could think about was her. I opened my eyes, and she was already looking at me and I know just like me she got wet.  

"You're so lucky I can't have you right now." She said licking her lips.

"Soon baby." I said leaving a lingering kiss on her cheek. 

By the time we fixed ourselves parents were already collecting their kids. I existed the car with Des hot on my trail following behind of me. I got to Halo's class and stood in the door frame, Halo has this sixth sense that no matter if she wasn't looking she could feel me and then her eyes would find me. It's a little weird to some people but I don't think so, I think she's just connected to her big sis. 

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