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Tay's POV

Something has been weighing on my heart real heavy and this weekend just confirmed it. I want a baby.  I've been having baby fever for a long time and I haven't really been talking to Xio about it because I don't know how she would react. Yeah she loves kids and she's good with them but at the same time she's never talked about us having a child together so I'm conflicted. 

I know i'm young but I feel like i'm in a position where I can provide for myself and for a baby, especially if Xio is on board. We would be one little happy family. A little background on me, I was born in a single parent household and I have no brothers or sisters. My mom had been trying to get pregnant for a long time through artificial insemination cause according to her she didn't have time to date and she liked being alone, it was more peaceful and she was always busy with running her business. 

She's well into technology and programming and she built her tech business from nothing and she's been thriving ever since. But she felt like something was missing in her life and so she embarked on journey to have a baby but it was hard for her since she had Polycystic ovary syndrome, she had to have surgery which she kept pushing off cause it scared the hell out of her but she finally pulled her big girl pants on and she did the surgery mainly because IVF didn't work for her.  

Since I was born she made it pretty clear that she didn't want anymore kids because she couldn't bear to go through the pain again. So it's always been me and her for the longest time until she met her now husband. He's cool or whatever but we never built a relationship. We don't hate each other or nothing but I never saw him as a father figure, just a cool male that's married to my mom. 

  I followed in my mom's footsteps as it relates to my career. We found that I had a real knack f or technology when I was around 10, my mom took me to her office one day and then I was hooked on it. She saw I had interest in it so she taught me everything she knew and I studied in school for a career in it.  

My mom didn't believe in just handing me things on a golden platter so all through high school I interned at her business doing the basics until she felt like I was ready to be promoted to an assistant and it was only up form there.  She opened up another branch of her business and she moved to be in full control of that one leaving me here to manage this branch. She comes a couple times each year to check up on it but other than that it was smooth sailing. 

Now back to me. I feel like my biological clock is ticking and as I told you my mom had trouble getting pregnant and I'm worried that if I wait too late then the same thing is going to happen to me.  I've been trying to drop subtle hints that I want to have a baby but Xio has either been intentionally  ignoring them or she's oblivious. 

So today is the day that I ought right say it. She's at work right so I decided to pop up on her with some lunch and a bouquet of her favorite flowers , Gardenias, Hydrangeas and Marigolds. She deserves to get spoiled too plus this might just help sweeten her up. I entered her work building and went straight to the elevator, why am I going to the front desk when I know exactly where i'm going. 

I made it up to her floor and was met by her assistant. Let me tell y'all I dislike that female with my whole soul bruh. She's literally always fucking rude and making snarky comments bout me like girl you don't know me from nowhere, one day i'm gonna snap on your ass and you gon end up in the hospital in a coma listening to your momma talk to you.    

I made my way past her without giving her a glance, I'm really on my tunnel vision shit cause I want one thing and one thing only and that's to say what I have to say to my girlfriend. 

"You can't go in there." I could hear her footsteps following me. 

"Oh bite me bitch." 

I rolled my eyes pushing open Xio's door. She was behind her desk working on something on her laptop. 

"That's very unprofessional Taylar, Xio is very busy at the moment so I suggest you take a walk somewhere else." 

I turned around to face her and I gave her my best resting bitch face. 

"Let me tell you something you sesame street looking bitch, you finna leave me alone before you end up in a hearse fucking around with me like you're a big dog."

She looked at me with a sly smirk before stepping around me facing Xio.  

"Sorry to interrupt you Xio, I tried to tell her that you were busy but she refused to listen to me." 

I turned forward about to open my mouth when Xio cut me off. 

"It don't matter what i'm doing she's never going to be a bother to me, but thank you Sierra." She politely said. 

Nah you being too polite to the female but i'll deal with that another day.  Sierra moved around me before giving me a pointed look, she left closing the door behind of her. 

"Bro she got one more time before I fuck around and go to jail." I rolled my eyes walking up to her desk. 

"She's harmless bubs."  She laughed shutting the laptop down. 

"You blind as fuck but anyway I got these for you." I said putting them on the table. 

"Aww you got me flowers and food. You spoiling me today." 

She smiled picking up the flowers.  One thing I admire about Xio is that she loves the small spontaneous gestures. 

"Thank you baby, I love them." She smiled. 

I went over to her side of the desk, leaning down giving her a small kiss.  I pulled away and she started eating. I was trying not to get distracted as her arms flexed as she was eating. The suit she was wearing was doing her justice bro like I couldn't keep my eyes off of her but I couldn't allow to get distracted. 

"So bubs, I have something I want to talk to you about." I started. 

She didn't respond cause her mouth was full and I hate when she talks with her mouth full so she gestured me to continue with her hand. 

"I want to have a baby" I rushed out feeling butterflies in my stomach. 

She didn't respond but she started choking and coughing. I rushed up rubbing and patting her back until she calmed down. I opened her mini fridge and got her a water. She drank it very slowly and then looked at me. 

"You want a what now?" She asked. 

"I want to have a baby Xio." She closed the food container and turned her chair to face me. 

"Where is this coming from?" 

"I've been having baby fever for months but when we first babysat Halo it started going stronger then last weekend cemented it for me." 

"Baby, we're really young are you sure you're ready for the commitment?" She asked carefully holding my hands. 

"I am ready, I feel like time for me is running out and I don't want to wait to have a child of my own without adoption and going through surrogacy."  I explained. 

"I feel like this is a real serious decision that we have to have a conversation about. But today is not that day bubs." She said softly. 

"I know but Xio this is something really important to me and I don't want too wait long and then my chance would be up." I said feeling tears spring in my eyes. 

"I know you're terrified of never having a biological child of your own and missing the wonders of  child birth, but honey I promise you that we'll make it happen but we have to talk about it more first. Okay?" 

"Okay." I said looking down. 

She pulled me on her lap and rubbed my back in a soothing manner. 

"It's okay love. I got you." She whispered. 

End of chapter 16

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

It's not proofread so excuse my mistakes please and thank you :)

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I'll see you in chapter 17

Word count: 1490

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