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Shilo's POV

Since we're moving from San Diego to Los Angeles the car ride was relatively short.  It was only 1 hour and 55 minutes. So for that duration of time I had to listen to baby shark and her other cartoon type songs. 

When we arrived to Las Angeles, I started driving to the apartment that I was renting. I'm waiting until Halo and I get settled in before I buy a house for us. But for now I have everything sorted out. I have a job interview at an event planning agency as a personal assistant and Halo is starting a new school. Halo starts school tomorrow which is Monday and that's the day of my interview as well. 

I pulled up to the apartment complex and and parked in the garage. I took Halo out of the back seat, locked my car and carried her in my arms to the elevator. She kept on looking around with excitement in her eyes. 

We got into the elevator and clicked on the first floor where the receptionist would be. We had to go pick up the keys for the apartment. When the doors open we stepped out and I observed my environment. 

A lot of people weren't around and nobody was standing in front of the desk. I walked up to the desk and I was about to hit the bell when Halo stopped me. 

"Can I do it?" She asked giving me the puppy dog eyes. She knows she has me wrapped around her little finger. 

I said yes, she giggled and I positioned her in a way that she can hit the bell.  A little while later a lady about 5'4, in her late 20's or early 30's came out. She was looking me up and down checking me out before I snapped her out of it and she cleared her throat looking down. 

'Mhm cute.' I thought. 

"How can I help you?" She asked trying not to maintain eye contact with me. 

"I'm new, I rented out an apartment under the name Shilo Bolton." I explained.     

She nodded and began to type on her computer. Maybe less than 2 minutes later she stopped typing and looked up at me. 

"You're apartment is on the 5th floor, number 25." She said handing me a keycard. 

"Thank you..." I said waiting for her to tell me her name. 

"Kayla." She said blushing. 

"Well thank you Kayla, say thank you Halo." 

"Thanks you." She said hiding in my neck. 

"You're welcome honey, she's really cute."

"Thanks, I better get going." 

She said okay and I went to the elevator and hit the 5th floor. I really hate elevators, like I always feel like it's going to snap and I'm going to fall to my death. The door opened up and I looked for number 25.  I found it and used the keycard to open it. 

When we got in it was already furnished. That was a part of the down payment that I paid, I needed it to be furnished before I got here so I wouldn't be stressed. I placed Halo on her feet and she walked around. 

"It big." She said in awe. 

"Want to see your room?" I asked . 

She nodded happily and grabbed my hand. I led her to the first room and opened the door. She looked around and made a weird face. 

"It look blank." She was right, It really was bland.

"Don't worry princess, we have a lot of time to decorate." I said. 

I left her in the room and walked to mine. It was bland as well but It would work for now. I went back to Halo's room and told her to stay in there until I come back. She nodded and I left to get our bags. 

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