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I'm literally swamped with school projects and I feel like i'm dying but enjoy the chapter and vote to ease my pain and leave a comment to make me smile. 

Kiyomi's POV 

After seeing my friend with Shilo's homewrecking self and my girlfriend Desani and her little cousin I was livid. I didn't see her until the next day though because I needed a self-care day after beating Shilo's ass, my nails were fucked up so those got fixed, hair done and i'm out here looking like a bad bitch. 

Now i'm in front of Cece's door continuously ringing her doorbell. I know she's home because she's broke and don't got no job so where else could she be. After a few minutes she opened the door looking like a whole mess but that's beside the point. Before she could say anything, I brushed past her and stormed into her house. 

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" She stormed over to me trying to size me up. 

"Aww look at you being brave, you hung out with them one time and now think you're a bad bitch?" I asked laughing until my stomach cramped. 

"Get the fuck out of my house Kiyomi." 

"GeT tHe FuCk oUt Of mY HoUsE." I mocked her wiping the tears from laughing. 

"Kiyomi I'm saving your ass right now, the fuck do you want?" 

"I want to know since when you and my girlfriend and her little side piece friends?" I crossed my arms. 

"Bro get it through your thick skull no having brain ass, she is not your girlfriend. She doesn't want you. She's over you at this point and you're nothing to her." She listed off using her fingers. 

I know all of that is a lie Desani loves me more than anything in the world. She just hasn't found a way to leave Shilo because she's just so obsessed with my girl. That's why I'm doing what it is that I am, i'm doing it all for her and our relationship, if that makes me the bad guy then oh well at least that means I get my life back. 

"Answer my question Cece what were you doing with them." 

"How about I drag you out of my house by the tracks in your head?" She asked in a sickly nice voice. 

"Then I'll sue you or better yet send your ass to jail. So, Cece just make it easy for yourself and tell me what I need to know."

"The face that you think your threats scare me is crazy, bitch your trespassing on my property, I asked you to leave numerous times and you declined so force was needed you dumb bitch."  She said wrapping her hair up like she was ready to fight me. 

"Just be a good friend and tell me what happened." 

"Bitch all the ass beatings that you've been getting is literally damaging your brain. I'm not your fucking friend anymore and what you want to know what happened?" She looked at me straight in my face and started laughing.  "All that happened was Desani living her best life with Shilo not even thinking about you and your cuckoo for coco puffs head ass." 

Hearing her words made my temper rise, how dare she even try to tell me those lies like I would ever believe them. She's trying to play me like I'm a fool and I've never been that in my life. 

"Coming here was a waste of my time you should go back to your struggling YouTube channeling and you're failing influencer journey." I laughed moving past her and to the door. 

"I rather have that then to have a struggling mental capacity and no brain cells." She followed behind of me saying it.

I laughed knowing that she's just jealous, they all are. They want what Desani and I have and because of that they are trying to pull us a part.  All I have to do is speed up the process after I get her little sister out of the way then it's her turn. 

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