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Shilo's POV

Des was driving us to the trampoline place and i've never been somewhere like that before. so I was lowkey excited. Halo was in the backseat playing on her tablet with her headphones over her ears.  The car was filled with low music and sounds from the outside. 

"You excited?" Des asked. 

"Yeah, but i'm clumsy and I might trip and fall."  She laughed at my revelation. 

"You know then you'll just bounce back up right?" She replied. 

"That don't matter it's still going to hurt." I pouted. 

"You big baby." She laughed. 

I was going to respond when her phone pinged a couple of times.  I didn't want to be nosey or anything like that so I didn't reach for it the way I wanted to. Her hands were preoccupied on the wheel so she looked over at me for a quick second. 

"Can you check that for me?" She asked. 

"You sure you want me on your phone, wouldn't want me to see your little hoes texting you." I teased her. 

"My only focus is you, so look all you want." She said and I could hear the smile in her voice. 

"Passcode please." I said. 

"021003 and for the future please remember that." She said. 

"I definitely will." I said typing in the code unlocking the phone. 

I went in her messages and the first one was from Xio saying they will come and to send them the name of the place. I told Des and she gave me the name to pass on. The next message was saved under crazy ex. So my nosey self opened it because why not. 

Crazy Ex

Hey baby when are we going to link?

"Who's crazy ex?" I asked her. 

"Kiyomi." She answered. 

"Why you even have her number?"  I asked about to catch a whole attitude. 

"Cause every time I block her she just gets a new number and texts me." 

"Then change your number." 

"I just might"

"Well she texted you asking when y'all are going to link. How do you want me to respond to that?" 

 I wasn't very worried about that since I know what's mine is mine and she's mine, but I was annoyed cause why she texting you and she saved? . 

"Respond however you want too, as I said my focus is on you and only you in a romantic way." She reassured me. 

I hummed and went back to her phone. 


She don't like you nor want you, but good try though.

Crazy ex

Who is this and why you think you can speak for her?


I'm her future everything, and I'll buss your ass again if you keep playing on my top.

Crazy Ex

Find me bitch and get off my girl phone. 

We came up to a stop light and I wanted to be fucking petty so I opened her camera and set it up in a way that I could record. I leaned over and grabbed her chin and pressed my lips on hers. She didn't take long to kiss me back, our lips moved in sync making me melt into her. She licked my bottom lip,  I parted my lips and her tongue attacked mine winning dominance instantly. We heard honks coming from the back of the car so we pulled away but not before I sucked her bottom lip biting it a little.  

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