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Before we even start hi, hello. So, it just dawned on me that I only have like one friend 😓 and my life is sad so I should be updating more. 

Desani's POV

I was dumbfounded, searching for words as I watched Shilo move to her office. I didn't know what to do or think, after that phone call, not even that during the phone call her whole demeanor changed. I heard her part of the conversation and from those snippets I know that it was her parent and I guess they want money. $250,000 actually and that's just crazy it's like they are selling their little daughter. 

I think Shilo now is under pressure now because I know she accepted it and I know that it's going to put a strain on her financially since she's just trying to stack her money up after moving to a new place and it's hard out here. 

I know that she would never willingly come out and ask me for money or anyone else for that matter but even if I have to force the money in her bank account I'm going to do this. Yes, Halo is her sister, but I think we've all gotten a connection and a bond to her that we don't want her to go back to those people. 

I'm not going to force her to talk to me about it though, I'm going to wait for her to be comfortable enough to tell md about the whole situation and then i'll offer her help and i'm too stubborn to take no for an answer so we all know what the outcome will be. 

I gave them their space for the rest of the day not wanting to overwhelm Shilo. So, I was mostly focused on work but I casted my eyes on them from time to time. The workday was winding down and I got through with everything that I needed to get done. 

I decided that I didn't want to them to stay at their house today, mostly because I didn't want Shilo to be alone and stress her brain and body out. 

When I finished turning off everything and making sure that my office was straightened up I grabbed my bag heading over to Shilo's office. I walked over to her side of the desk, placed my bag in the empty spot and then started to massage her tense shoulders. 

"You really need a massage day love, you're really tense." I said continuing to rub her shoulders. 

"When I deal with my money hungry donors i'll add that to the list. If I even have money left back." She said the last part to herself but I still heard. 

"How about you and Halo come back to my house for a sleepover." I knew she was going to say no but I got a plan for that. 

"No I think it's best for her and I to just go home and take a breather." 

"Oh? Hey Halo." I pointed my attention to her while she was on the couch reading a book. 

"Hi Dessi." She looked up at me smiling. 

"Would you like for you and your sister to come have a sleepover at my house with your pretty room?"

"Really!?" She asked excidtly forgetting all about her book. 

"Yes really if your sister says yes." Cue the puppy dog eyes. 

"Can we go sissy? Pretty please." She begged pouting and showing her sad eyes.

I know i'm going to get cussed out for this later but after that she'll see that I was only doing this to make them feel better and she'll forgive me. I hope. 

She sighed and then replied, "Okay we can sleepover at Desani's house." 

Halo jumped off of the couch and ran over to us climbing on to Shilo's lap and she kept repeating 'thank yous'. Shilo didn't show that she was mad or anything probably waiting for us to get behind closed doors. 

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