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Shilo's POV 

It's getting close to Christmas time and shit is hectic as fuck. I didn't get to go on that date with Desani and that made me sad cause I was really looking forward to it but we been really busy planning people's events but she still owes me that date. 

Anyways today is Halo's last day of school before she goes on Christmas break. So she'll be here with me at work which she doesn't seem to mind cause her little friends are here. 

I kept track of the time while I was finalizing some details for a top event that Mr. Boss man assigned to me.  I printed the details out and organized them by page number. After that I placed them in a folder and and went over to Desani's office. 

"She's risen from the dead." She joked. 

"Ha ha really funny." I rolled my eyes. 

"Wassup Shi?" She asked. 

"I wanted you to look over this for me." I said handing it to her. 

"What's in it?" 

"If you look then you'll know." I said playfully rolling my eyes. 

She smiled at me and started to read everything over. I took a seat on her desk cause who uses chairs anymore? While she was reading it one of her hands wrapped around my waist. 

Anytime we're this close we are always touchy feely. I think that physical touch is her love language but hey i'm not complaining. 

"Earth to Shilo." She said snapping her fingers in my face. 

"Do you want your fingers?" I asked sickly nice. 

"If you take them then how am I gonna use them on you." She replied smirking. 

"Wipe the smirk off your face." I said trying not to blush. 

"You know you want to blush." She stood, whispering in my ear. 

I tried to brush it off I failed and started to blush. 

"Good girl."

I cleared my throat and asked, 

"So what  do you think?" 

"Everything is in order so just pass it along to the boss man and you'll be good." She smiled. 

"This client was so fucking picky bro and indecisive as fuck I literally felt like I was going to pull out my hair."  I pouted. 

"You could of came to me ,your hair is way to pretty is get pulled out. But I can pull on it." She winked. 

"I-I you know better than to get me flustered Des." I said. 

"But it's fun." She laughed. 

"Anyways what you doing?" 

"I was about to head to the boss man's office too drop off this event file then maybe to get something to eat." 

"I was on my way there too, walk with me?" 

"Let's go ma." She said holding my hand and leading me out.

We got to the office and I was about to knock but Desani was like fuck that and just barged in. 

'Shi the benefits of being the bosses child.' I thought in my head. 

"Girl I know your bobble head did not just barge in here." He said. 

"Yup just did pops, but anyways here are the event files for you to go over." She said handing them to him. 

"Hey miss Bolton." 

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