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Shilo's POV

We've been texting like every day in the group chat planning for this sleepover.  Halo was giddy ever since I told her because she really wanted that tour of Des's house, and she was promised a big surprise. 

Since Draya found out that me and Des got something going on, she's been taking it upon herself to openly flirt with me in the group chat. That in turn causes her and Des to bump heads a lot. They argue almost every day since Draya wants to act like a child and Des doesn't want to be the bigger person and ignore her. We can all see that it's jokes and fun, but I feel like if the flirting was to happen in person that an altercation would happen cause Des is a hot-headed person. 

Tonight, should be interesting, but they better be on their best behavior because I don't want Halo to be exposed to whatever fight might take place and no arguing either. At this moment I was packing Halo's bag with the necessary things that I think she would need and also some of her favorite toys. 

After I packed her things, I did the same for myself.  Since we're staying for the whole weekend, I needed to make sure that I had everything and I'm a very forgetful person, so I had to sit and write a list of things so I wouldn't forget. 

After I packed our bags and moved them to the living room so that I wouldn't forget them. I have to get Halo in about three hours and there really isn't nothing to do. See this is why I like to work; it keeps me occupied and I make my money.  I'm not used to being at home having all this free time, usually i'm juggling so much shit and i'm not one that loves the quiet. 

I laid myself on the couch stretched out fully, with my phone on my chest trying to figure out my next move. I could either watch something on tv, read a book or sleep. I was thinking about the latter, so I closed my eyes and got comfortable. 

As soon as I was starting to drift off to sleep, I felt my phone vibrate making my titties tingle. I pried my eyes open and picked my phone up and saw that it was a text from an unknown number. First off, I don't like people playing on my phone because that's playing with my time and especially if they on some bullshit.  Second why would an unknown number text me, like what we got to speak about?

Anyways when I opened the text, my mood instantly went from mellow and relaxed too motherfucking irritated. Y'all please motherfucking tell me why Kiyomi's no fighting ass texted my goddamn phone. Like at this point it's giving very much obsessed with me, girl I ain't never laid down with you a day in my life but yet you are texting me. Also, how the hell did her bitch ass get my number? 

I'm telling you she's asking to get her ass beat again and she's lucky I don't do more. She can thank Halo for that cause I can't go to jail. 

Pussy ass bitch

So, like me and you been bump heads and for that to stop you and Desani are going to have to separate. 


Before you even try to check me, you should introduce yourself.  It's basic manners but I know it doesn't come easy to dumb bimbo bitches like you.  

 Pussy ass bitch

Bitch you know who the fuck I am. This is my last warning. Stay away from Desani before I beat that ass again. 

Am I the only one that sees her delusion? Or am I the one going crazy? Because I know for a fact that last time, I saw her I showed her how I got down and she got lucky that Desani's ass saved her. 


You're living in a delusional state of mind and the only way I remembered you is because my foot was on your neck as you chocked out pleas for me to stop. 

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