XIII (New)

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Shilo's POV 

By the time I woke up it was already the next morning and I was refreshed and ready to start my day. I moved one of my hands to rub my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep that was trying to creep back in. I was careful though not to wake Halo since she was laying right on top of me so I kept the movements light. 

I maneuvered her in a way that I could get up as gently as possible without moving too much that Des would potentially wake up. When I got up I laid Halo on Des's lap and Des immediately wrapped her arms around her.   I reached for my phone and noticed that it wasn't in my pocket so I quietly ran to my room to look for my phone and I found it on the charging port. I quickly unplugged it and ran back to the livingroom, I snapped a few pictures of them because they looked so cute. 

After that I decided to take a quick shower before I started to make breakfast for us. I got into my personal bathroom and shuffled my shower playlist making sure the volume wasn't high so it wouldn't disturb their beauty rest. Often by The Weekend started playing as I stripped out of my clothes and tied my hair in a messy bun. 

I turned on the cold water and stepped in. The cool water mixed with the cool atmosphere made it feel like it polar bear and penguins could live in here. Why do I do this to myself when I could have a warm shower? Simple what fun would that be. The scent in the bathroom was cinnamon which is one of my favorite scents in the whole world.    

After I lathered my skin, covering my whole body with the sweet scent I washed it off watching the scuds run down the drain. After that I got my coffee shea sugar scrub, I have to keep these far away from Halo because last time she heard sugar in the name she thought she could eat and and let's just say if I didn't turn around quicker we would of had a problem. 

After I did my hygiene routine, Dried off covering myself with my robe and I went over to the sink doing my face routine and brushing my teeth. After I finished it I looked at myself in the mirror and said my little affirmation out lout. After I went into my room and got dressed in something comfortable.    

I didn't know what to make since I don't know what Des likes or even what she's allergic to. So I decided on something basic which is drumroll please, Chicken and waffles. Who doesn't like chicken and waffles and if you say you I'm going to need you to step back and evaluate your life. 

I left my room and went to the kitchen but before I made it there I checked to see if they were still sleeping and and Halo must have turned around because now her face as turned into Des's neck. Really cute by the way. After I stared at them for like a minute or maybe more don't judge me I went to the kitchen to start the food. 

I took out the boneless chicken breast and left it in the sink to defrost after running some water on it. I got all the ingredients and supplies I thought I would need and I set them all out in order but in 2 different sections so I wouldn't mix anything up. 

I started mixing my waffle ingredients, covered it and let it sit for a while as I started my chicken.  See I really could have been a chef if I really wanted to cause my food slaps and don't call me conceited, it's not being full of yourself if it's true.  That's a life lesson, you're welcome in advance.  

About half way through cooking I looked over to see Des sitting up rubbing her eyes but she had on hand wrapped around Halo holding her up. I turned my attention back to the food making sure that nothing burned. I got two plates and sat them on the counter, one for me to pile the waffles on and one for the chicken. I heard her walking up to me so I turned around briefly. 

"Good morning sleepyhead ." I smiled up at her. 

"Good morning, sleep well?" She asked returning my smile. 

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