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Desani's POV

After I walked Shilo to her car I went back into the building and headed straight to my dad's floor. Yes, he's extra as hell so he has the entire floor for himself at the very top of the building so lucky me I don't have to use the stairs. 

When I got to his door I knocked and waited for him to answer. On most days I would just barge in, he might be my boss but he's also my insufferable dad and he knows I'm" insufferable just as he is.  He doesn't mind me barging in cause usually if he's in an important meeting he would have a sign on his doorhandle, or his secretary would inform be. 

He used to curse me out daily when I barged in or when he wasn't in his office I would just walk in and make myself comfortable. I even stole his key one time and made a copy of it when he started to lock his door and from since then he just gave up. I don't blame him though because I would always find a way in. 

He called for me inside and when I got in I locked the door behind on me and went straight to the beanbag he had in the corner of the room. 

"Wassup boss man?" I greeted making myself comfortable. 

"Desani, are you here as my child or employee?" He turned to me and raised one of his brows. I'm freaking jealous of those people that can do that because when I try both my brows raise and then I look like a shocked bug-eyed person. 

"See this is how I know you don't know me, from that greeting alone you should see I'm here as your daughter." I rolled my eyes. 

"What do you want Desani?" He rolled his eyes practically mirroring my expression. 

"Can't I just come check up on my dad?" I asked with a fake hurt expression. 

He just stared at me with bored eyes, and I knew then to stop messing with him before he shows me where I got my attitude from. 

"Okay fine, anyways.  Shilo had to go home early because her little sister is sick, and she won't be coming in for a few days, but she'll work at home." I explained. 

"Is there any reason you're telling me and not her?" 

"See now she would have told you but she got the call from her sister's school and hurried out and I bet she would have emailed you when she got home. But I saw her when she was on her way out so I said I would tell you." I explained trying to play it off.  

Okay confession time, I haven't told him that Shilo and I began to date. I mean he wouldn't have a problem with us dating but Shilo didn't want him to know because she wanted to be treated as a regular employee, working her way up the ladder with no handouts and I respect that 100%. 

"What's going on between you and her?" He asked suspiciously. 

"Friends and co-workers." I replied simply. 

"You sure about that?" He was amused, you couldn't see it on his face but instead in his eyes. Like he knows something that he shouldn't. 

"Do you know something that I don't?" 

"Nothing. Nothing at all Desani." 

I knew he was hiding something but I'm hiding something too so best not to push him cause then he'll push me. 

 "I heard your cousin was staying with you. How is that going?"  He loves Draya like she's his own daughter maybe because she was always with us when we were younger. 

"Yeah, and she's staying with me." 

"You and her should come to dinner, invite Xiomara and Taylar as well."  

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