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Kiyomi's POV

I've been digging around to find any and everything I could of that bitch Shilo so she would back off of my girlfriend. Like what female knows that someone is in a relationship but then keeps going after her. That's some unwomanly shit if I say so myself. But it's even worse that Desani is going along with it like baby is she blackmailing you? Blink twice if you need a rescue.  I mean it has to be something like that because Shilo isn't even Desani's type, so it really does have to be blackmail or maybe hypnosis. 

So, to get some information on her I had one of my 'friends' to look into her but so far nothing juicy is coming up. It's like the bitch is a fucking saint. It's like she never once did anything bad in her fucking life and how is my plan going to work if I don't have anything to use against her.

I've had my phone in my hand for most of the day eyes glued to my screen waiting for it to light up with a message form the person. He's been taking forever and it's frustrating because I have zero patience right now so I'm in front of his house, right at the front door. I banged on the door sounding like the police in a ghetto neighborhood but who cares right. 

It took him about five fucking minutes to open the door and when he did he had a gun pulled aiming it at me. 

"Well hello to you to." I rolled my eyes pushing him aside and stepping in. 

"You can't just be banging on my door like that. The hell is wrong with you?" He tucked the gun back in his waist and then closed the door. 

"Nothing but do you have anything for me yet?"  I followed behind of him to his little area. 

"I was about to send you something, but your ass had to bust up here like the police." He rolled his eyes and began typing on his computer. 

"So, what you were just going to shoot me if I was an officer? That sounds so smart."

"I'll let that slide. But anyway, I found this on your little friend." He turned the screen for me to read. 

Now this I can use, it was very much what I was looking for and more. 

"Print it out for me please and thank you." 

"Money for e please and thank you." He stretched out his hands. 

"Yeah, yeah here." I dug in my purse and pulled out his money. 

He counted it making sure I didn't short him and when he was satisfied, he printed out the information and handed it to me. Without another word I left his place and practically skipped back to my car.  This girl ain't gonna know what hit her when I'm done. There's literally so many ideas coming to my head but whatever one I choose it's going to hit her hard. 

Desani's POV

I'm sitting in my office just minding my own business when all of a sudden Shilo with her fine self walked in and sat on my side of the desk. 

"Well to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"I need your help and wanted to know if you're free to go somewhere with me right now."

"Yeah sure. What do you need my help with and where are we going?" I asked sitting up getting my phone, wallet and eyes together ready to stand. 

"It's just a place I need your opinion on to maybe use for one of my clients, but I wanted to get a feel of it before I showed them." She explained to me. 

"Alright then lead the way baby." I got up and allowed her to guide me out. 

We got to the elevator and went to the lobby; I knew that since she was the one taking me to her location that we were taking her car which is fine by me cause I barley wanted to drive myself to work this morning much less to drive to wherever we're heading to. 

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