XIX (New)

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Desani's POV

It was almost time for the sleep over to start and to say I was excited would be an understatement, i'm more than excited.  Draya was already here since she lived the closest to me, so I asked her to come over early. But that was a big mistake because she wouldn't stop annoying me, I swear if I could glue her mouth shut I would, but i'm settling for just walking away. 

"Oh, come on cousin ignoring me isn't nice." She said following behind of me. 

"Draya i'm either going to ignore you or i'm going to staple your mouth shut. You choose." I turned around stopping making her stumble into me. 

"You're so mean to me." She whined stomping her feet like a child. 

"At this point you need a hobby or a girlfriend." I rolled my eyes, turning around and walking away. 

"Why have a girlfriend when I can take yours?" I could hear the smirk in her voice. 

"Why breathe when you can sleep for a long long time?" I sarcastically said.  

"You didn't have to do me like that you little shit." 

"I didn't have to, but I did deal with it." 

Before she could reply there was a knock at the door. I thanked my lucky stars since this was a valid excuse to dip from the conversation. Don't get me wrong I love my cousin, but she can be overbearing at times. I went to get the door and came face to face with Tay and Xio. 

"Hey y'all come in." I smiled stepping aside to let them pass.

"Surprised to see you two haven't killed each other." Tay joked.

"Don't hold your breath on that." I mumbled. 

"I love you too cousin." Draya said blowing me a kiss. 

"Annoying ass." I closed the door and then joined them. 

We all sat on the couch getting comfortable and then Xio randomly decides to start lecturing Draya and I about our future behavior tonight seeing as Halo is going to be here. 

"No cussing, no violence, no yelling. I swear if one of y'all even raise your voices towards each other I am going to pull you both outside and deal with you myself." She had this look in her eyes that showed she wasn't playing. 

"Yes ma'am." I said playfully rolling my eyes. 

"You got it captain." Draya said saluting like she was on a pirate ship. 

"You're dumb Draya." Tay laughed. 

"No, I like to consider myself a free spirit."

We talked for a while enjoying each other's company before there was another knock on the door. We all knew at this point that it was Shilo and Halo, I could tell that we all wanted to jump up and go get the door, but I was faster than them and did it first.  

I opened the door and before I could even process what was happening, I felt little arms wrap around my thighs. 

"Well, hello there little missy." I reached down and swooped her up in my arms. 

I gave Shilo a big smile and stepped aside so she could come in. I pushed the door close and led them to where everyone else was. When we got there Halo started wriggling out of my arms indicating that she wanted to go down.  I sat her down on her feet and she immediately ran to into Xio's arms. 

"Aunty Xio." She squealed, her laughs filling the room.  

"I can see who she loves the most."  Shilo said behind of me. 

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