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Desani's POV

So Shilo and I been playing call of duty and so far i'm in the lead with 2 wins and she has none. I just need to win this last game and shit even if I don't I still win the bet. 

"This ain't right." She said throwing the controller down. 

"Don't be mad baby girl." I laughed putting my controller down. 

"That controller don't like me." She pouted. 

"You're just a sore loser." 

"Okay and?" She rolled her eyes. 

"You're going to drop that attitude before I have to make you." I whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver. 

 "Fuck." I heard her whisper. 

I smirked to myself and pulled back. 

"You know what that means right?" 

"No." She said looking at me playfully. 

"You have to go on a date with me."

"Even though you didn't ask, It would be my pleasure to go on a date with you." 

'You gon get some pleasure, girl don't play with me' I thought in my head. 

"It would be my honor to take you on a date." I replied playfully. 

We locked eyes for what felt like so long even though the time was so short.  She broke eye contact looking down. She so damn fine like wheww. 

"You want to watch a movie?" I asked getting up stretching my legs.  

"Yes please."

"Let's watch When a stranger calls." I said pulling her up. 

"That shit sounds scary." She rolled her eyes. 

"Don't worry I'll protect you." I winked. 

I walked her to the popcorn machine and snack table. We picked the things we wanted and then went back to the seats. The movie started and I noticed that Shilo moved closer to me. I smiled a little bit and focused on the movie. 

We we're halfway in and I could tell that she was getting more and more scared. I rested my popcorn on the seat next to me and I lifted the chair handle and pulled her closer to me untill she was on my lap. 

She didn't fight me away so I guess it was okay. We sat like that for a while until there was a jump scare and she hid her face in my neck. I rubbed her back soothing her and whispered 'It's okay.' 

She calmed down and cuddled into me more. It felt nice having her close to me like this. I know it's too early to say this but it was like we fit together like the last piece of a puzzle. 

We continued watching the movie until the credits started rolling. After it was done she just looked at the screen like she was trying to analyze what she just watched. 

"You okay over there?"

"I can't comprehend this movie but I'm never answering my phone again." She said shuddering. 

"Practically she was babysitting and then kept getting phone calls from a unknown number and then he was killing people off 1 by 1 and yada yada yada then he got caught and that's that." I tried to explain as best as I could.

"But where did he even come from and how the fuck did he know she was gonna be there?" She asked. 

"Shi that's some good questions that I don't know the answer to." I laughed. 

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