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Shilo's POV

My week off ended and now it's back on the grind at work. The first day was more stressful since Mr. bossman had different client profiles for me to choose from, I had to pick at least three and I was lucky for that because people normally don't have the luxury of choosing which events to plan. 

After I chose the portfolios that I was interested in, I had to schedule meetings with the clients, so we could get a deeper understanding of what their vision really is and the best way to execute it.  That happened the next day, one after the other I listened to their visions and started drafting up ideas. 

The first client wanted a simple birthday theme party for her 3-year-old daughter. The theme for this one is Scooby Doo and I love that for them, it'll be a fun thing to put together. The second client wanted an elegant luncheon.  That sounded simple enough for me since she wasn't asking for too much, but these people love to change their minds. The third client wants me to plan his proposal. I've never planned somebody's marriage proposal before but hey why not try. 

So, I have my work cut out for me for the next couple of months. I'm just glad that they are well far apart so I don't have to put too much stress on the time period. What i'm worrying about though is how I'm going to balance planning those events and still making sure that Halo doesn't feel neglected. 

Now that we're all caught up, it's now Wednesday and i've been in my office browsing through venues and compiling different lists that I could show each client, but also calling the venue owners to check the availability on the dates that we are hoping to have the events. 

As I was making my lists, I heard a knock on my door. Normally Des wouldn't knock on my door unless I had clients in, so I knew it wasn't her.  I pried my eyes away from my laptop and looked up to see Tay on the other side of the door.  

I was surprised since we didn't have anything planned or maybe we did but it slipped my mind. I gestured for her to come in and I closed my notebook and took my glasses off.  I leaned back into my chair and offered her a smile. 

"Hey sit, I'm sorry if we had something planned. I must have forgot." I said apologetically as she sat down. 

"No, we didn't have plans, but I really needed to talk to you. I'm sorry if this was a bad time." She gave a small smile but by the tone of her voice I could tell something was bothering her. 

"It's not a bad time. What's up friend?" Her body language was tense and her fingers fidgeting. 

"I have a big favor to ask of you and I know that we haven't known each other for long but I know that I can trust you with this." 

"I promise I'll listen to you with no judgement, and I'll be there for you no matter what." I promised reaching over to hold her hands. 

"My family has a history of having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which makes it very hard for us to get pregnant and it's been weighing heavy on my heart because I really want to have a baby of my own and I want to start that process." She took a deep breath, her eyes tearing up. 

"Hey, it's okay Tay, take your time." I gave her a reassuring smile. 

 "Xio and I aren't on the same page as it comes to having a baby right now, but I know my body and I know that if I don't get on this then I'm missing my chance."

"What are you trying to say T?" Not going to lie but I didn't see where I came into this. 

"I know this could be a lot for me to ask but would you mind coming with me to the doctor? I would ask Xio but I don't want her to feel pressured into this since she's not at the stage where she really wants to do it and I don't want to be alone."

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