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Hello people that I love so so much.  I need y'all to check out my friend @LuluApril7 book please and thank you. I would really appreciate it ❤️


Shilo's POV

When I heard that voice, I didn't even have to turn around to know that it's that bitch I been wanting to see. I turned around to face her and cracked my knuckles. 

"If it isn't my ex-friend, girlfriend, her side bitch and cousin." She smiled like a maniac. 

"How about you cut all the talking and follow me outside." I said putting my hair up in a bun with a spare hair tie. 

"Aww you're still together with Dessi? Guess your sister doesn't mean much to you at all." She pouted but she looked so happy in her eyes. 

"Keep my sister out of your pathetic games, then you go to my boss. What the hell did you think that would accomplish?"  

"It got a rise out of you, didn't it? That's all the validation I needed for now. And by the way how is your little Halo? Does she know her parents are going to swoop in and get her back?" She smirked.

I was about to charge at her but Desani held me back. 

"What did I tell you Desani? If I see her and you hold me back i'm fucking shit up so let me the fuck go." I seethed pulling out of her grip. 

"Look at you Des still protective over me." Kiyomi said and with that Des let me go and I walked up on Kiyomi until we were face to face even though i'm a little taller than her. 

"Step outside Kiyomi." 

"Nah i'm good right here, this conversation is so entertaining." 

For a second, I forgot where I was and that we were in public where people are no doubt watching us. 

"Are we going to do anything?" Draya whispered. 

"And risk getting beat the fuck up? I think not." I heard Draya's date say and Desani hummed agreeing with her.

"See i'm not with all this long talking." I said grabbing her wrist and pulling her outside. 

I remember when Des was driving me here there was an ally way so I dragged her there, my nails practically digging into her skin. You could hear her high pitch screeches and I swear I felt my  eardrums burst and bleed.  When we got to the alley way, I pushed her against the wall and dropped her wrist. 

"You thought I was playing when I said it's on sight the next time, I saw you?" She didn't respond but instead she was stupid enough to raise her hand on me. 

Before she could get a hit in, I grabbed her hand and twisted it, I really wanted to make it snap but I held myself off. Instead, I combated it with a back hand slap making her head move the opposite way. 

"It's funny though you would think a girl like you, so pretty would have the capability of moving on and finding somebody who actually wants your ass." I laughed letting go of her hand. 

I don't know what made her snap whether it be my words or my actions but she pounced on me knocking me to the ground and started her weak ass fighting. Like really you're not even going to throw hits just cat fighting. 

She got like two good weak ass slaps in before I rolled on top of her and grabbed her by her hair with my left hand just to stabilize her body and I started punching her over and over again like she was my personal punching bag cause today she is. 

Her hands were trying to fight back but she couldn't hit correctly with those long ass nails she had. First off, she had to be a pillow princess, or something cause ain't no way those fingers would have went in me. And second, I always wondered how people function with those nails like it's crazy. 

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