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Desani's POV

My favorite cousin is in town for a while, and I promised that we would meet up later today for lunch. It's been a while since I last saw her cause she's busy doing her own thing with modeling and we barley have time to travel to visit each other. 

I did invite Shilo to come since I haven't seen her, and I want her to meet my cousin. I mean if i'm going to succeed in making Shi my girlfriend then she should be acquainted with my people just like I am with little Halo. 

But anyways I was chilling on my bed mostly on my phone with something random playing on my tv. When I got a facetime from Xio, I paused whatever was playing and I answered the call. 

"What's up Xio?" I asked as soon as it was connected. 

"I need advice and you know me best so." She said, the look on her face was panic and anxiety. 

"Alright tell me what's wrong." I sat up giving her my full attention. 

"Yesterday Tay told me that she's ready to have a baby and I know why she's worried because of her genetics and I want to go with her on that journey but i'm scared." 

"Why exactly are you scared?" 

"I don't think i'm cut out to be a parent.  I know motherhood is special and a precious journey but me being a mother and responsible for another human being's life is scary." 

I understand exactly where she's coming from, some women are scared of becoming mothers because they feel like they wouldn't be a good fit or that they are going to fuck up their child's life, but Xio is one of the most compassionate and softest persons when it comes to kids, so she really has nothing to worry about. Plus, between her and Tay that child is going to be loved beyond the normal level. 

"Xio, you don't see it but you're a natural with kids, you have so much love in your heart to give and I know for a fact that you are going to be the best mother you can be. Plus, you're not on your own you have Tay and me."

"You really think I can do this?" 

"I know for a fact you can and are going to be the most protective, loving and caring mother. So go talk to Tay about it cause knowing you, you were running away from it." 

"See this is why you're my best friend, you be knowing me too good." 

"Yeah yeah now go." I laughed chasing her off the phone. 

I gave her one last smile before hanging up.  I'm happy that her and Tay are thinking about that next step because they really would make perfect parents and they are both so in love with each other and that's a major factor that should be present in a household. 

I know they'll keep me updated on what they decide to do and as people day it takes a village to raise a child so knock knock hello i'm your village. I can literally already picture them dropping off my niece/ nephew at my house to babysit or i'll go to theirs and take them. 

I checked the time on my phone, and it was almost time for me to head out of the house. I had already texted Shilo the location and what time to be there so I should probably be on time too. I laid back down for like 5 seconds before I rolled over almost landing flat on my face, but I caught myself real quick. 

I had my outfit already laid out on the couch and I took a shower already, so I just got dressed and did my final touches.  I looked at myself in the mirror and I was hyping myself up cause yes baby you fine as hell. 

I grabbed my keys and my wallet and then headed out to my car. The cafe that we are meeting at is like 20 minutes away from my house by car and even less if the traffic is right and by the looks of it and the time the roads shouldn't be too packed. My assumptions were right as I started driving the roads weren't full and we were moving at a fast pace. 

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