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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVES 🏳️‍🌈❤️don't be rude say it back


Desani's POV

Shilo barley slept last night, and I know because I stayed up with her for most of the night trying to comfort her.  Halo slept in her bed with us last night and Shilo wouldn't let her go, it's like she thought that if she let her go then she would disappear. 

Before we went to sleep Halo made us watch cartoons with her and we ate some of the snacks I bought, Shilo was putting on a strong, brave face so Halo wouldn't know she was losing her mind, but you could see her sadness if you looked in her eyes. 

She's up right now cuddling Halo tightly against her but not that tight to hurt her. Halo began to wake up moving around in Shilo's arms and then her eyes opened. She free both of her hands and rubbed her eyes getting the sleepiness out of them. 

"Morning." She croaked. 

"Good morning princess, water?" Shilo asked and Halo responded by nodding her head yes. 

There was a bottle of water bottle behind of Shilo, she twisted her body and reached behind of her and got the bottle opening it then passing it to Halo. She took a few sips and then gave it back to Shilo. 

"How do you feel?" Shilo asked her. 

"My throat, tummy and head hurts." She whined looking like she was on the verge of crying. 

"I'll go get her medicine." I scooted out of the bed, left the room and went to the living room where we left the medicine last night then I went to the kitchen to get a teaspoon. 

Then I went back to the bedroom and they both were sitting up waiting, I gave the medicine and spoon to Shilo, and she fed it to Halo who immediately made a funny face and asked for water. After that Halo laid back down and Shilo started rubbing her stomach. 

"Try to go back to sleep for a little bit love, when you get up breakfast will be ready." Shilo said covering Halo with the blankets. 

"I'm not hungry." Halo pouted. 

"It's because you're sick but you have to eat something even if it's light." I said. 

"Okay Dessi."

"Try to get some more sleep, we'll be right here when you wake up."  Shilo said giving her one last smile. 

We waited for her to fall back asleep which wasn't a long time because she was out like a light. We both left the room quietly and went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I kept one of my hands on Shilo trying to comfort her without saying words. Since I don't think anything, I could say right now will comfort her since she wouldn't be listening. 

After we were done, she went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for us. I offered to help but she shut me down and told me she got it. I kept a close eye on her cause I felt like she was too deep in thought fully focus on cooking. 

I got real anxiety when she was cutting stuff, I'm telling you I felt like she was going to cut her finger because she was so spaced out. 

"Shilo, maybe I should chop them." I said slowly. 

"It's fine I got it just sit." She said but her mind was still elsewhere. 

Then just what I was worried about happened, she sliced her finger almost cutting the tip of it off. The knife fell to the floor, and she just looked at her finger not moving. 

"Fuck Shilo." I jumped out of my seat running to her side to put her finger under the pipe so the water would hit it. 

Her finger didn't look that bad, so the cut wasn't deep enough to need stiches. 

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