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Desani's POV (In Starbucks)

I sent my girlfriend Kiyomi in to order our drinks while I finished parking the car. I got out, locked up and entered the shop. Before I could even look up I heard a commotion that disrupted the peace of the shop but it was kind of empty and It didn't look like anybody was complaining for now. 

My eyes looked up and I saw Kiyomi arguing with this stud. She had black curly hair that looked long in a messy bun, her skin was caramel and looked smooth, her lips we're pink and looked very juicy. 

'Fuck, snap out of it Desani.' I scolded myself. 

"Hey babe what's going on here?" I asked lookin the stud up and down.

"She bumped into me and spilled her coffee on my outfit." Kiyomi said.

The stud looked at me and said " Your girl walked right into me and spilled my coffee on me. Do you even see a drop of coffee on her?"

"Kiyomi you owe her an apology." I said  looking at the Kiyomi.

"Nah fuck that bitch she ruined my clothes."

"Bro you deadass wrong Kiyomi, take your ass back to the car." I said.

"You really sticking up for her?" Kiyomi asked in disbelief.

"As I said you deadass wrong." Kiyomi rolled her eyes and left.

"I'm sorry about her, i'll buy you a new one." I offered.

"Nah man it's all good but thank you." She said.

"I'm Desani."I introduced myself.

"I'm Shilo, nice to meet you." 

"Nice to meet you too." 

After she said that she left with a little girl that was behind of her the whole time. I wonder if she's her daughter . Shit that ain't my business so let me not. 

I wasn't even in the mood for Starbucks anymore so I left. I went back to the car and Kiyomi was standing by the car cause it was locked. 

I didn't say a word to her I just opened the car and sat in it. 

"Where are the drinks?" She asked. 

"I wasn't in the mood no more." I replied starting the car. 

"What's wrong with you?" She asked. 

"You doing to much bro, what the fuck was that in there?" 

"She messed up my outfit." 

"Kiyomi if you don't shut up. You fucking ruined her outfit and it was your fault." I had one hand on the wheel and the other one rubbing my temple. She starting to give me a fucking headache. 

"Why you behaving like this?" She asked me in a annoying child like voice. 

"Why you acting like a bitch." As soon as I said that she started ranting. 

"Kiyomi shut up bruh fr fr, you lucky I came in when I did cause shawty would of beat the brakes off of you."

"Bitch would of got her ass handed to her if she ever touched me." She said tryna act all tough. 

"Bro you know you can't fight so all this tough and hard talking that you're doing don't make no sense." I laughed.

"You know what bring me the fuck home." She huffed. 

"I was going to do that already so."

She too pretty to not know how to fight, that's one and two her attitude nowadays makes me wanna pop her in her mouth. That disrespect shit don't fly with me. 

I pulled up to her house and she got out and slammed my door. Nah she gots me fucked up, I got out of the car and ran up to her. I turned her around and held her by her neck. 

"Slam my door one more time and I swear to you I am going fuck you up. Stop playing with me." After that she didn't say nothing but she bit her lip tryna look seductive. 

"Do you want to come in daddy?" She asked batting her eyelashes. 

"Nah I'm good." I said walking away. 

Bitch got me fucked up. I backed out of her driveway and started driving home. 

A general introduction to me, my name is Desani Hendrix and I'm 25 years old. I grew up here in Los Angeles and I'm a only child. My best friend is Xiomara and we been knew each other since we were teenagers. I been dating Kiyomi for a year and all my friends hate her. They think she is a stuck up gold digging brat and I can't disagree with them. I don't know why I love her but I just do. So that's just a basic run down about me. 

My mind went back to Shilo, she really is cute and I do feel bad about what Kiyomi did. Maybe if I see her around again then I can make it up to her, buy her a new shirt or drink.  

I was knocked out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. It was connected me my car so I answered it. 

"Wassup Xio?" 

"You tryna come through?" She asked. 

"Yea for sure, I'm on my way."  After that I hung up and made a U-turn to her house. 

I pulled up to her house and got out of the car. I locked my door and walked up to her front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. The door opened and there she was, she gestured for me to come in and we went to the living room.

I made myself comfortable on her couch and went straight into spilling on everything that happened today. 

"Tell me why me and Kiyomi was at Starbucks and she was straight wildin for no reason." I said rolling my eyes. 

"What she do?" 

"She walked straight into this stud and spilled the girl's coffee all over her."

"Did she get her ass beat?"  She asked looking hopeful. 

"No, I stepped in before shawty could swing but nah she was about to get fucked up cause the stud was about to drag her." 

"Shit why you always have to be captain save a hoe." She rolled her eyes.

"That's still my girl at the end of the day so I can't let her get her ass beat like that." 

"Nah man she should not be doing all that extra shit like what the fuck." 

"I know but after I cooled down the situation I sent Kiyomi to the car and I apologized to the stud, he name is Shilo." 

"Well Shilo should of beat the shit out of her disrespectful ass." 

I just shocked my head and we played GTA for the rest of the day.  

End of chapter 3 is out

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I wanted to give Desani her own chapter so you can get a feel of her. 

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The chapters will get better and more eventful, I promise

See you in chapter 4 :)

Word count: 1147

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