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Sorry for the long wait I just finished my second week of Uni and let me tell you these classes are interesting, but the workload is killer already. But on the brightside one of my lecturers is so fine😫. Like wheww and her accent and the way she speaks is just wow.  It's safe to say i'm only looking forward to her classes. 

Desani's POV

I've been awake for a few hours now and Shilo hasn't gotten out of bed since daylight broke. At some point in the night Halo came in my room and found her way cuddled in between Shilo and I. Not that I could even complain though, I love them both so it's all okay. 

And now we're here. Shilo literally is keeping both herself and Halo hostage on the bed. It's already hours past the time that Halo had to be at school and that we both had to be at work. Halo isn't complaining though, she's happy she gets to stay home.

I left them upstairs in my room since Shilo is being very territorial at this point so to avoid a big blow up I was in the kitchen with Draya making them breakfast. I was in here before then Draya practically skipped in and started talking about her date with ole girl. I won't even lie though I forgot her name. 

"After our date we started talking more and more and it feels so comfortable. I don't feel like the conversation is being forced or anything, it just comes naturally." She explained like a love sick puppy. 

"Okay, so what's the problem?" I asked not really understanding. 

"It's no problem, it's just that i'm not use to all these emotions and feelings this fast."

"If you want my advice this is what I have to say; don't close yourself off to the emotions just dive in and see where it goes." 

"That's actually good advice. Who would have thought you had that in you." She said looking at me sideways. 

"This why I don't talk to your bitch ass." I rolled my eyes focusing on what I was doing. 

"Anyways what happened you and Shilo left? I noticed that they stayed over last night." 

"After the fight we got food, went to pick up Halo and then she got a call back at work that set her off and now we're here." I explained. 

"Whatever it was about must have been bad since she nor Halo haven't been down here yet."

"Yeah, it was bad, but did you know that my dad found out about Shilo and I?" 

"You lying!" She exclaimed throwing a blueberry in her mouth. 

"Nope, Kiyomi's ass sent him a letter telling him about us. He called Shilo into his office and told her that he knew." 

"What was his reaction?" 

"From what she said he was calm about it, he actually texted me this morning telling me to invite both Shilo and Halo over to our usual family dinner." 

"Aww look at you both at the meet the parent stage." She said with a goofy face. 

"They already met before stupid." 

"They met in a professional sense idiot, this is a social and less formal." She explained and okay I see the point but still i'm not about to let her know she got one up on me. 

The doorbell rung which saved me from having to say something else. I wasn't expecting anyone over today since I was supposed to be at work but I called out. When I got to the door and looked through the peephole I saw that it was Xio and Tay. I opened the door and stepped back so they could walk in. 

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