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Shilo's POV

After we left Mr. Hendrix's office, Desani took me on a tour. Right now we we're on the child care floor and it was huge. It is split by age so the younger toddlers have their own section, the adolescents and teens have their own section etc. 

I like that because Halo get's a chance to socialize with children her own age and I took a peak inside and I be Halo is not going to want to leave. 

"I see you're interested more on this floor." Desani pointed out. 

I guess she was trying to get me to say If I had a child or something. 

"Yeah I have a little sister that is going to come here." I explained. 

"Oh I see, it's a great program and it has people to help with homework and they do a lot of activities. She'll have a blast."

"Trust me, I know she won't want to leave." I laughed. 

"Do you want to get some coffee before we go to the office?" She asked hopeful. 

 "I'm I going to have to worry about getting it spilled all over me?" I joked. 

"I promise It won't get spilled on you." She laughed. 

"Then let's go get some coffee." I winked walking to the elevator. 

We waited for the door to open and then we went in. I reached to touch the button the same time that she did and our hands touched. I'm not going tp lie and say I felt sparks or some shit but it made me feel warm inside. Just a little bit. 

We both pulled back and then reached for the button again. We both laughed and I gestured for her to do it. We feel into comfortable silence, the elevators should really play some music and I'm not talking about those classical ones, It should have some real music. 

But anyway the door opened and  I walked out first. I knew where we we're going so I led the way. I walked in and it was empty, okay then setting the mood. Let me stop mayne she taken. 

"How do you take your coffee?" She asked. 

"This is going to sound really weird." I laughed. 

"Trust me weird is good and I like weird." 

"Do you have lemons and cinnamon here?" I asked. 

"Yeah hold on." She went somewhere looking for what I asked for. 

"Here you go." She said handing me the things. 

"So when my coffee is warm I like it black with lemon and cinnamon." I said looking straight at her.  

"I never heard of that before." She laughed staring to make the actual coffee. 

"You know there's a first for everything." I didn't notice myself leaning in a little. 

"Then maybe I should try." She replied leaning in as well. 

"Maybe you should." We stood like that for a little while. I felt like she was staring into my soul. 

I felt my face heat up and I looked away. She let out a little chuckle and went back to making the coffee. She poured it into two cups and I started to put the cinnamon and lemon into mine. 

"So are you going to teach me , or do I have to learn it myself?" She asked pouting. 

"I can teach you." I laughed. 

I showed her how I made it by putting the cinnamon in first and then squeezing the lemon on top of it and then I mixed it around. 

"Here you go Ms. Hendrix." I said jokingly handing it to her. 

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