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Desani's POV

After the whole Kiyomi and Shilo part 2 situation, Kiyomi was in my office going off. Look I tried to leave my violent tendencies in the past but this bitch really trying me. I could feel myself losing to my anger so I slammed my hands on the desk. 

"Bro shut your whiney ass up before I sow your lips together."

"Why you talking to me like i'm just some random ass bitch?" 

"Cause you acting like a ratchet ass bitch." I responded. 

"Nah that bitch in there runined my clothes like 2 days ago and now she works here."\

"Kiyomi stop calling her a bitch, you so fucking disrespectful and for what bruh?"

Before she could answer I continued, 

"Are you fucking jealous of her, you threatened by her?" 

"That bitch don't pose no threat to me." She said turning red. 

"You right she does more than that, I mean I can see it she's smarter than you, has a better vibe than you, has more going on than you." I said listing them out. 

I think she felt that one cause she looked like she was going to scream. 

"Fuck you Desani, we done." She said storming out. 

"No problem." I replied. 

The fuck I look like begging her to stay with me? She was a leech and didn't offer anything to the relationship. So it's all good. Usually  she comes back and we get back together but this time maybe we won't.  

I shook it off and continued my work. It wasn't that busy today so my workload was light. In the middle of it I got a facetime. 

"Wassup Xio?" 

"Shit nothing, Wassup with you, you look stressed?" 

"Girl Kiyomi started a whole lotta drama at my office." I said rubbing my temples.

"Shit I'm on my way and I'll bring Taylar."

"Alright."  We said goodbye and I hung up.  

I laid my head on the desk trying to unwind a little bit. 

"I'm going to get my little sister and then get some food. You want anything?" I heard. 

I looked up and saw Shilo sitting on my desk. It just made me feel bad about Kiyomi starting shit with her.

"No i'm good thank you and I'm sorry about Kiyomi's actions." I said looking down.

"You shouldn't apologize for her actions."

"I know but I feel bad."

"Me and you are good okay, me and your girlfriend though nah we on sight." I said getting up.

"Don't hurt her too bad." I said playfully. But I already know she would fuck Kiyomi up. 

"No promises." She winked at her before walking out.

She gon be the death of me. I laughed. 

I like her vibe she just seems like a good sprit. Her aura is just so inviting. 

I shook her out of my head and played on my phone. 

"Hey Desani." I heard, I looked up and saw Xio and Tay. 

"Wassgud?"  I asked as the moved to sit down on my couch. 

"Good but you look like shit." Taylar said.

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