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It was around 2am on a Sunday morning when a sleepy Token Black was awakened by his obnoxiously loud ringtone. He felt his whole body jump as it rang in his ear. Slowly he reached for it and placed the phone to his ear, not bothering to check who it was. He stayed silent, to tired to ask what the fuck the person wanted, this silence didn't last long though, as a booming voice spoke from the other end.

"Dude! Token! You need to get to my place right now"

Ofcourse. It was Clyde, trust he'd be awake at this hour. Token groaned. What could possibly be so important that you woke me at 2am. He debated even going over, however, Clydes loud voice had already woken his brain up so he settled on going. He grabbed his purple jacket before quietly making his way downstairs and out the door.

"Great. My car won't start." Maybe i should just stay home, it's probably not even important. It never was with Clyde, he just likes to make a fuss out of everything. Despite these thoughts he got out of his car and started walking to the brunettes home. He hoped to god Clyde had a good explanation for this, although Token could label himself accountable as this wasn't the first time Clyde has woken him up at the buttcrack of morning for stupid shit.

After a few minutes of treading his trainers through the snow, his eyes settled upon Clydes house. He studied the house before noticing the downstairs light was on, God i hope that's just him. Token most definitely didn't want to face Clydes dad, he's quite the angry type.

Hesitantly, Token creaked open the front door. He peered into the living room & saw an eager Clyde Donovan with something in his hands. It didn't take long for Clyde to notice his sleepy friend.

"Dude! great, your here!" He said quietly but happily. "I thought you just fell asleep!"

Token wasn't amused. He stared eerily at his friend who, of course, took no notice and invited him in.

"This better be good dude, i'm gonna get busted by my parents." he muttered.

"Your just sleepy!" Clyde snapped back, he wasn't wrong as Token was exhausted. However his curiosity peaked when his excited friend unboxed a weird looking device. Suddenly Token wasn't annoyed and sleepy, he jumped forward in excitement as Clyde unraveled a very new ps5.

"no. fucking. way." Token said, taken aback. "Donovan your lying!"

"Told ya it'd be good! didn't i?!" the brown haired boy said back, smirking. Trust, Token was rich but ps5's are ALWAYS out of stock. You lucky son of a bitch. Clyde carefully placed it back into the box.

"Not allowed it till tomorrow though-" Clyde said quite distraught. Token fell back to his mopey mood.

"So you could've just told me tomorrow? You like wasting my sleeping time?" He asked laying into the sofa. Clyde scoffed, He opened his mouth to defend himself but token had fell asleep. A well deserved sleep. He's lucky i put up with him.


Soon enough morning peaked, and the sun shone through Clydes uneven blinds. Token was the first to find himself awake, not really surprised he was at the Donovan's. He attempted to get himself up before his dad came down but noticed something weighing him down. It was Clyde. Curled up onto token like he was some sort of pillow. Token stared at the sleeping boy and a small smile crept onto his face before slowly getting up and leaving a pillow in his place.

He slid his shoes onto his feet and zipped up his jacket. He looked back at his passed out friend and he couldn't help but display a large smile. So cute. Token stepped out the house before biting his tongue. It's totally normal to think your friends are cute? everyone does? right? right. This was just the beginning.

He slowly made his way back home, slipped his shoes off and landed in his own bed. It felt nice, but having Clyde there felt way better. Slowly he shut his eyes, he figured he could use five minutes, those minutes turned to hours as he found himself awoken a little over 4 hours later. Eventually he grabbed his phone and a few missed messages from his friend.

Clyde: I'm picking up battery's, then i'm coming over!

Clyde: gross, Cartmans gang is here and i think they saw me-

Clyde: Oh they are not happy with me uh- shit!

Token felt his heart drop. He hated Cartmans group after what they pulled back in middle school, and he trusted the feeling was mutual. So them crossing paths with Clyde was a MAJOR no go! He shoved his shoes on before rushing out the door. 3:15pm, only 30 minutes ago.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now