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Token paced around his room. School got out about 20 minutes ago and there was no sight of Clyde yet. Maybe he bailed? No. He wouldn't do that, they spent the night together!

Why is Craig such an asshole! If he just kept his mouth shut, none of this would've happened!..

No. I shouldn't have given him the list. That was Clydes private thing! Who knows what Craig's done with it now!

Suddenly, his door opened and there stood the boy he'd been waiting for. He didn't exactly look upset but he didn't look himself. "Hey Clyde." Token wondered if he knew about the list, if he was ever going to trust him again. Please say something, i don't want to take the lead.

"Hi Token." He was really at a loss on what to say. There stood his best friend with betrayal written all over his face. "Craig, uh, gave me something." He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and Tokens heart dropped. It was the list. He let out a little sigh and tried to keep his eyes on anything but Clyde.

"Clyde-" Before he could finish the brunette got closer and placed his hand over Tokens mouth. He couldn't have just said 'Shutup' ? "I know why you did it. i don't hold anything bad against you." Wow, big words there Clyde. "I just want everything to be okay again.. i really want it to be okay..."

Here i am. In my room, sitting with my best friend. Listening to him beg for something i cant give him. The pain in his voice, why can't it just go away. Why can't everything be normal? It's because we are teenagers. Everyone sleeping with each-over, Nobody getting along, drama at every. fucking. corner. It was a lot simpler in elementary.

Before he knew it, he was holding Clyde in his arms. This was so..


He didn't feel any romantic feelings for Clyde, right? They are best friends, but he couldn't help feeling like there was a gap that needed filling. But this wasn't the time for his feelings, he needed to help his friend, ( or more ) with his self image.

"Clyde, could we maybe get some dinner?" Token thought if they sat together, he would manage to eat. Hesitantly, Clyde nodded and lifted himself up off his friend. "My cars out front." They both arrived out front and climbed into his car. The sky was slowly darkening as they drove around the icy roads.

Bennigan's. It was the only half decent restaurant in their slump of a town. In Tokens opinion, his special friend deserved the fanciest restaurant in the world, but he didn't want to push his luck. They pulled up into the cramped parking lot and crept into the loud restaurant. Token didn't expect there to be as many people as there was, and he could see Clyde was pretty intimidated by that.

"Maybe we could bring our food down to starks?" That way, it would only be the two of them. Clyde agreed and they scanned the menu for what they wanted. Token went for a stuffed bacon burger meanwhile Clyde went for a small cheeseburger but it was better than nothing? right?

They took there food and got back into Tokens car. He smiled a little as Clyde used his food bag to warm up his hands. "You cold?" The brunette nodded. Token put his hand on his hands and held them, still steering the steering wheel. It was a kind act. It didn't mean anything like that. If only he knew what was going on in Clydes mind.

Oh wow. His hand, on my hand. I was sort of dreading this but Token makes everything better. He makes me feel confident in ways i've never felt. When i eat, he gives me the look of love. He doesn't see me as a pig, he doesn't think bad of me.

His face grew a bright shade of red as he stared at the wooden 'Starks pond sign' The sky was dark by now as it was winter. Token parked his car alongside the path and got out. "God i hope the food isn't cold" He muttered as he grabbed the bags, which were still quite warm. Bonus.

The ice cold bench was still there as per usual. They sat on it and bunched up together to keep themself warm. Token subtly watched Clyde unwrap his burger and take a small bite. He couldn't help but display a large smile from the development. He took a large bite from his burger and stared into the frozen pond. "Clyde?" The brunette looked up at him with big eyes.

"Clyde.. please don't think bad of yourself. Please? i think your.. well i think your perfect." God that was cheesy. He looked away embarrassed at the statement, wishing he put it another way. He heard a giggle and turned to see his friend laughing beside him. "That was gay." Token scoffed. He was being nice! It was a nice change to see Clyde laugh again though..

As he quieted himself down, he stared back at his food. "Thankyou Token." He took another bite, a little bit bigger this time. Sure, a few words can't just cure an ED, but it can ease it. Eating with someone your comfortable with can be enough.

They both sat in silence, eating their food. It was an awkward silence as such, it was more of a peaceful silence. Token looked at the shivering boy at his side to see his burger was finished. He ate the whole thing! Token finished his burger and slowly got up.

Clyde was leaning against Token, making him fall to the side when his friend got up. "Ouch. Thanks." Token chuckled. "Let's go to my place, it's warmer there." The hazel eyed boy agreed and followed him back into the car, which was just as cold as outside. He started the engine and reversed into the street.

They both knew it was a school night, but neither of them were worried about that. There was a lot of tension on the ride to Tokens house. Token placed his hand onto Clydes leg after he had said his hands were warm. Having his hand so close to him accidentally caused something to happen..

A boner.

He was so embarrassed! He crossed his leg over the other and looked the opposite way trying to seem nonchalant about the awkward situation. He sighed, thinking Token hasn't taken any notice. He was wrong.

Why is Clyde suddenly getting awkward? He thought watching him inch himself away like that. Then he realized. Oh. That's not weird right? i mean, all guys get it! But- from Token? He tried to act like nothing was the matter but he was more confused than he has ever been.

This car ride was taking forever.

Hi!! I hope you enjoy the awkward ending i'm leaving you guys with LOOL !!

Thank you for all the comments i've been getting recently, sadly my email isn't verified so i can't reply but i adore the support! This story isn't the best but i'm really trying to make it relate to what happens with teens IRL! Aaaaa anyways something fruity COULD happen in the next chapter so stay tuned!



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