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"Yeah, Tokens."

Tokens name pissed off Clydes dad for as long as he could remember, for a while he thought it was a race thing but it was much bigger than that. "After that picture? over my dead body." Oh, so now everyone's seen it? Thanks BeBe you two timing, backstabbing bitch.

He has learnt never to be snappy with his dad for the fear of getting bodied in a second but he didn't have a filter at this point. "Then die dad, fucking die." You shouldn't ever say this to a parent but hey, he WAS the one who bought death into it to begin with. Surprisingly he didn't get the exact reaction he was expecting. A sort of sickening smile plastered across the drunk man's face as he indicated to his own nose. "Let that be a reminder. Whoever you last spoke up to did that to ya. Don't let it happen again."
Fucker. That's not what happened at all. I took a hit for someone i'd pick over you any day.

"Actually, i got it DEFENDING someone, something you clearly cannot do." This time, he got the expected reaction. A slap. It wasn't like it was unusual to receive a slap from his dad but this time it really shook him. "you don't speak to me like that." Without sharing another word Clyde picked up the ps5 and practically sprinted out, slamming the door behind him. He got into Tokens car and he could feel the warm tears streaming down his cheeks. That really.. hurt.....

He pulled out of the drive and drove, trying to get rid of any evidence he was crying. The guys tended to catch onto stuff like that really quickly and he didn't wanna ruin the night.

"Dude Clydes been gone for like 20 minutes all he has to do is pick up a fucking CONSOLE!"

"Ngh- m-maybe he crashed!! AH!"

"Craig, Tweek with all respect, shutup. He's fine."

Token didn't like worrying about Clyde because the truth is, Tweeks scenario was something he could see him doing and it uneased his soul. Luckily, the worry didn't last long as the person they had all been waiting for arrived at the door.

"Speak of the devil." Craig ran over and took the ps5 from the brunettes hands and instantly began setting it up. The twitchy blonde was quick to help. Idiots.

"Dude, what took ya so long?" Tokens voice soothed Clydes heart instantly. His words made him melt. No matter how upset or hurt he was, Token made it all okay. "Sorry, i couldn't find the plug." He really did NOT want to bum him out at a sleepover. Surprisingly the light hearted boy bought the lie and they all sat around the TV smashing eachover at the new games. It was always one couple against the other. Tweek & Craig called theirs 'Creek', meanwhile the other two settled for 'Tyde'.

The sky grew dark as the 4 went through levels, snacks & drinks. ( Some we're alcoholic ) Eventually, after hours off Black Ops 4, 3 of the 4 were out cold. The only one awake was Clyde. He had put some headphones in to try help him sleep which deemed unsuccessful. Maybe i should wake Token up?

He debated the idea for a while but eventually inched himself over and poked at the boys arm

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He debated the idea for a while but eventually inched himself over and poked at the boys arm. No response. "Token Token Token TOKEN" instantly his mouth was covered with none other than his boyfriends hand. "Clyde! you'll wake everyone up!" The boy smiled a little and apologized before laying a little closer. "Couldn't sleep i'm guessing?" Clyde nodded, hoping he wasn't mad at him for waking him up. Token chuckled softly. "You cold?"

Now, Clyde wasn't THAT cold, but this question was almost always an invitation to cuddle and he wasn't taking any chances. "yes." As he predicted, the warm boy lifted the sheet and invited Clyde underneath before wrapping his arm around him. The brunettes face became a light shade of pink as he snuggled into his large chest. He could hear his soft heartbeat beating in his ears which settled him even more. "Hey Clyde?" the boy was nestled into him but still managed to reply. "mmhm.?" Okay Token, Say it. If he isn't joking about the relationship it'll go just fine.

"I love you."

Suddenly the light shade on his face plummeted to a dark red. He.. loves me? I think i died in that car because i'm in heaven. I'm in my boyfriends arms, Snuggling and he just told me he loves me.

"I love you too."

And with that, they fell into slumber.


The bright morning light peeked beneath the morning light as Token was startled awake by a large flash in his eyes. "What the-?!" To his surprise Craig's phone was in his face. Why is he taking photos of me? fucking creep.

He was about to lift himself up to ask him why he did that when something weighed him down. Well actually, someONE. He saw Clyde snuggled into his chest and smiled. "Craig, don't show anyone that."





& with that, his perfect moment was ruined. Clyde jumped up by the sudden outburst of volume and sat up. He wasn't even fully awake, he just stared blankly into the wall trying to come to terms with consciousness. "Hello? earth to Clyde?" Craig snapped another picture of him and giggled a little, waving his hands across his face.

"Piss off Jimmy, i didn't even touch the microwave.." He muttered before slowly sitting back and closing his eyes.


Jimmy wasn't even here.

"Dude- jimmy isn't even- okay i'm not even gonna" Token chuckled at the frail boys funny moment seeing how he was not awake afterall. I wish he was still asleep on my chest though, fuck you Craig.

Token & Craig spoke for a bit secretly waiting for their significant others to awaken. The first, was ofcourse Tweek. Token wondered how he even slept with the amount of caffeine he put in his system on a day to day basis. Clyde was still out cold like the lazy bastard he is so the three carried on talking as normal.

Token just hoped their relationship wouldn't become the topic.

Okay it's 1am, probs gonna go to bed n update this if i wake up and dislike it!!^^ So if the plot changes be aware!!

ILY <33


token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now