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Token froze. He sat there for what felt like an eternity. It being only a minute or so. in love? with Clyde Donovan? It was a thought that had never crossed Tokens mind. Though, he felt it was always there, just hidden away. Clyde is my best friend. he's straight, and i'm straight! He was suddenly snapped back to reality as Mr Mackey spoke. "You okay Token?" Token stood up and reached for the door. "i'm not gay. thanks for nothing." He then left, slamming it behind him. Me mackey sighed.

"Denial, mckay."

He made his way down the hall. It wasn't like him to be rude or anything but hearing the words mr mackey had said pissed him off. He knew he wasn't gay, he didn't swing that way. Even if i WAS gay, Clyde isn't! Quickly he stopped in his tracks. "i'm not gay though!" he yelled, drawing attention from students. One of them, being Clyde. He shot him a confused but concerned look before signaling him to meet at his locker. Today was not good for token.

Reluctantly Token made his way to Clydes locker where he was met by a laughing fit. This didn't amuse him. "I-i'm sorry!" The brunette said, laughing in-between each syllable. "The way you- just randomly yelled!" He held his stomach before catching his breath and looking back up into the stern eyes of his friend. "Seriously man, what was that?" he finally asked in a more serious tone. He didn't know exactly what to say to him so he took the easy way out. "I got called gay and it kept going through my mind" What a stupid idea, he knew this would lead Clyde to ask a thousand more questions.

"Who called you gay?"

"Why? you fancy guys?"

"who do you fancy?"

Were three questions that instantly poured out of the hazel boys mouth. Token sighed, answering them all with a simple "i don't like anyone." Thank god he wasn't a terrible liar. He took a bag out of his locker and made his way to the cafeteria, Where he noticed a not so eager Clyde staring blankly at his tray. "Dude? are you gonna eat or what?" he asked "usually it'd be gone by now" Clyde looked up at him before pushing the tray away. "i feel sick" That's strange, Clyde always eats regardless of feeling sick or not.

Switching over to Clydes POV

He pushed his tray away and said he felt sick. Token didn't say anything so the brunette thought he was in the clear. "i'll- be right back" he mumbled as he trailed out of the cafeteria and into the boys bathroom. It was no secret, Clyde wasn't fat he was just a bit wider. Which is normal for a boy his age. He didn't see it that way though. The way his friends saw him as a pig, the fact Token liked muscly guys. Not that i like Token though..

He stared at his reflection in the mirror, Almost wanting to smash it. Skipped breakfast, Skipped lunch. He thought happily to himself before locking himself in a stall waiting for the bell to indicate lesson time. He felt good for not eating, but his body wasn't agreeing with him as he felt his stomach rumble in pain.


Slowly he got up and made his way to spanish, which sucked ass seeing as how only Craig was in there, and he always skipped.

However to his surprise he saw Craig Tucker sitting down. He looked around before sitting next to his raven haired friend in aw. "Wow, you didn't skip?" he asked quite shook. Craig shook his head before looking into the boys eyes. "i needed to talk to you." Oh no. Did Craig find out he hadn't been eating? This was bad, so bad! He gulped before nodding. "After school, come over." He agreed before carrying on with the lesson. What could Craig possibly want?!

The rest of the day passed slowly as ever, he didn't have Token at all that afternoon. It wasn't a bad thing however, seeing as Token would notice something was up. He made his way to his locker 5 minutes earlier than usual before treading his way to Craigs house, which as a matter of fact, he beat Craig too. "Your here early." He muttered as he went inside, Clyde following him in. Craig was his best friend, but something about going into the house he'd been in thousands of times before felt weird.

They entered the room and Clyde plopped himself onto his bed. Craig sat down next to him and let out a sigh. "Okay, you need to tell me about Token." Clydes eyes widened. Token? What had he done? He gave him a confused look which Craig responded "Why does he like Tweek?" Clydes mouth dropped open. Token, likes Tweek? No way. "No fucking way man." He snapped almost as if he didn't want it to be true. Craig was agitated now. "He is constantly staring at him and smiling then getting flustered when asked why, you wanna explain that?" Clyde rolled his eyes.

"Then maybe it should be Token your talking to, i don't know shit!"

"You really know nothing?"


"Course you don't, idiot."

Clyde pouted at the remark. His iq wasn't exactly high but he was dumbfounded. "Whatever, i'm hungry" Craig said, pulling out some pretzels and offering him one. They look so tasty. He thought to himself licking his lips but he snapped out of it. "nah, not hungry." he mumbled as he slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way out. "The fuck?" Craig asked. When is Clyde not hungry?

He rushed home, his legs felt like mere toothpicks trying to carry his body weight. He felt like falling over and not getting back up, but thankfully he arrived at his house just in time. His dad wasn't home, so he didn't have to eat the dinner he cooked. Still, a whole day without food could kill him. He certainly didn't want to die. Slowly he made his way into his pantry and layed eyes on a biscuit tin. i'll have a couple, to even it out. He thought as he ate one, but one turned into 2, 2 turned into 4 and before he knew it, the whole tin was gone. He looked down in disgrace. FUCK! IM SUCH A FAT FUCK!!

He ran to the bathroom and eagerly stuck his fingers down his throat, not caring about his major emetophobia. Suddenly, he gagged before hurling up a bunch of gloppy sick. One he started he couldn't stop. It just kept coming like a waterfall. After about a minute or so he felt it coming to an end and he wiped his mouth with tissue. He smiled a little before flushing the chain and pulling out the weighing scale. 135 pounds. He had only started this around a week ago, so he wasn't surprised but he was pissed. He turned off the bathroom light before falling into bed and instantly passing out. So exhausted.

token x clyde, polar opposites Where stories live. Discover now